(2011). The rating of perceived exer- tion predicts intermittent vertical jump demand and performance. Journal of Sports Science, 29, 927-932.Pereira G, Correia C, Ugrinowitsch LC, Nakamura F, Rodacki A, Fowler F, Kokubun E. The rating of perceived exertion predicts intermittent vertical ...
The ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were originally suggested to estimate the exercise intensity, as RPE may respond to cardiopulmonary and metabolic responses such as alterations in HR and blood lactate concentrations. However, this interpretation does not agree with physiological responses observed ...
Introduction: the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale is an index for evaluating personal strain during dynamic activities. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between RPE and heart rate in the people with normal weight and overweight individuals during light and moderate ph...
Regulating explosive resistance training intensity using the rating of perceived exertion. J Strength Cond Res 2012; 26: 664-671.Row BS, Knutzen KM, Skogsberg NJ: Regulating explosive resistance training intensity using the rating of perceived exertion. J Strength Cond Res 2012, 26(3):664-671....
The purpose of this study was to construct a Japanese scale for rating of perceived exertion in endurance exercise. The study consisted of four experiments. Experiment 1: Twenty-one Japanese males (aged 18 to 21 years) were used as subje... K Onodera,M Miyashita - 《Taiikugaku Kenkyu》 被...
Here's what you need to know about your rate of perceived exertion, including the two Borg scales and how it relates to heart rate training.
. Internal load (rating of perceived exertion-based load [sRPE]), reported as arbitrary units (AU), was calculated by multiplying the adapted version of Borg's CR10 score25 by the total match duration26. The sRPE is considered a valid indicator of internal load in soccer27....
Define ratings. ratings synonyms, ratings pronunciation, ratings translation, English dictionary definition of ratings. ratings. Translations. English: ratings npl indice msg di ascolto. Italian / Italiano: indici di ascolto.
[日本体育測定評価学会]第8回大会優秀発表: The influence of various upper limb supports on the output of leg muscle strength and the rating of perceived exertion during sit-to-stand movements Yamada Takayoshi , 出村 慎一 , Shin Sohee Japan journal of test and evaluation of physical education an...
Session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) is a method of monitoring and managing training loads. The purpose of this study was to research how and for what purpose strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches implement this monitoring method within professional rugby union. The study also aimed...