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The first option is to say Matthew 24 isabout the great tribulation, and only the great tribulation. Everything here is about the Jewish people struggling against Antichrist in the age to come. The Church is not here, because God raptured the Church away before the tribulation began. It mus...
I feel like I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but friend, the pre tribulation rapture is simply not in scripture and can not be defended scripturally. It is a huge money maker for those who write books and make movies, but it is not scriptural. Certainly there are many ...
(Jn. 13:20) “..for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, and hid, that ...
Whitney is usually accurate but she blows it with heranalysis of dispensationalism and no scriptural ref for the rapture. In ref to the rapture, the accurate term is the translation of the saints or the translation of the body of Christ. The translation first occurrence in scripture is when...
12. the teaching of the imminency of the Rapture is false? 13. there were three things that had to happen prior to the Rapture? 14. you are NOT in the “will” of God as specified in the Holy Bible? 15. the “2nd Advent” will be during the “Feast of a Day of Atonement” ...
This is not a kingdom, but is the time period that has existed between the two advents of Christ. It relates to the time preceding the Church age, the rapture, and the tribulation. 1. (Mt 13:39-40). “and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of...
Let not my heart say, "He may delay." But let my heart say, "I may see Him today." • Appetizers The Last Invitation An Old Commentary Sheds Light on the Second Coming Seven Reasons Why the Rapture Cannot Come After the Tribulation ...
Though disagreement on the interpretation of this passage continues, many careful students of premillennial truth have come to the conclusion that the opinion that Israel’s resurrection occurred at the time of the rapture was a hasty one and without proper Scriptural foundation. It seems far more...
Thus Jesus again explains that those who are taken will be destroyed as is symbolized by the gathering of vultures seeking to consume the dead. Therefore, we can see that the Bible does not support the idea of the secret rapture for the saved. (Note: Logically and scripturally, the ...