As an active participant in economic globalization, China has achieved rapid economic growth through positive interactions with the rest of the world and explored a unique path towards modernization, expanding the options for other developing countries to achieve modernization. China’s rapid economic g...
With the rapid growth of population and global warming, the food problem has aroused public concern. "All countries in the world should 56.(strength) cooperation to contribute to a secure global food supply, " said one of the Chinese 57.( official ).Facing the challenges of global food ...
Well, usually, we expect to see that certain social changes are brought about by the development of agriculture, structural changes in the society like rapid population growth, different social classes. 通常,我们预期看到的是:农业的发展会带来的某些社会变化,社会结构的变化,如快速的人口增长和不同的社...
Greater internet access correlates directly with improved healthcare education and economic development. People living in rural areas, however, lag behind in online use, which limits their access to government services, banking, and job opportunities. Nowhere is this...
With the rapid growth of population and global warming,the food problem has aroused public concern. "All countries in the world should(1) (strength) cooperation to contribute to a secure global food supply," said one of the Chinese(2) (official).Facing the challenges of global food security...
In addition, the combination of the population of more than 130 million people in the member states created a larger common market for their products and services, which benefited the citizens with rapid productivity growth and...
the literate rate of rural population has greatly increased, too. Primary schools are so popular in rural area that almost every child can receive education, which will surely in turn propel the development of rural areas in the future. Besides, more rural people go to bigger cities to realize...
(poverty pocket 落后地区;贫困地区) of urbanized population groups (Darwish et al., 1983). The dimensions of this rapid, pervasive sociocultural transformation, often erroneously regarded as a symbol of modernity, as well as the forces underlying the disturbing negative change, are not yet clearly...
Along with rapid popularization of the internet, more and moreyoung people are using the internet to access information, exchange ideas, makefriends, and shop, and their ways of learning, living and working are changingprofoun...