入门级 初一 The Ransom of Red Chief 《红酋长的赎金》 听原声磨耳朵 更多学习资源可购买纸质绘本获取。 苏霍姆林斯基曾说“让学生变聪明的办法不是补课,不是增加作业,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。”可见英语阅读的重要性。 阅读书...
欧·亨利短篇小说选:英汉双语第37章 The Ransom of Red ChiefItlookedlikeagoodthing:butwaittillItellyou.WeweredownSouth,inAlabama—BillDriscolla...
根据“However, Johnny is a very bad boy and is nothing but trouble to the men. The men try to send Johnny home”可知,那些人想把约翰尼送回家因为约翰尼是一个非常坏的男孩,只会给他们带来麻烦。故选C。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。根据“Then they send his father Ebenezer a letter”可知,这两...
阅读理解“The Ransom of Red Chief" is one of O. Henry's best-loved stories.In the story ,two men named Bill and Sam (A) make a decision to become rich by kidnap-ping(绑架) a young boy named Johnny Dorset. ill and Sam drive over to Johnny's house andfind him in the street p...
Wepresent the short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story. It looked like a good thing. But wait till I tell you. We were down south, in Alabama – Bill Driscoll...
第37章 The Ransom of Red Chief 红酋长的赎金It looked like a good thing: but wait till I tell you. We were down South, in Alabama—Bill Driscol... 打开起点读书App继续阅读 新人海量作品14天免费 登录订阅本章:900点币 加载下一章 第37章 The Ransom of Red Chief 红酋长的赎金 ...
以下是欧·亨利小说‘The Ransom of Red Chief’ 的中文译文版本: 红毛酋长的赎金 [美]欧.亨利/著 王楫 康明强/译 看起来这是个好买卖;不过,你得等我把话说完。故事发生在我们——我和比尔.德里斯科尔——南下途中,经过啊拉巴马时突然起了这个绑票的念头。后来,比尔把这说成是“一时糊涂”,但我们当时并没...
The Ransom of Red Chief" is one of O. Henry's best-loved stories.In the story, two men named Bill and Sam decide to become rich by kidnappingayoung boy (A) named Johnny Dorset. Bill and Sam drive over to Johnny's house and findhim in the street playing. They carry him away to ...
Henry The Ransom of Red Chief is one of O. Henry's best-loved stories.In the story, two men named Bill and Sam decide to become rich by kidnapping a young boy named Johnny Dorset. Bill and Sam drive over to Johnny's house and find him in the street playing. They carry him away ...
“No fear of it,” says I. “He don’t seem to be much of a home body. But we’ve got to fix up some plan about the ransom. There don’t seem to be much excitement around Summit on account of his disappearance; but maybe they haven’t realized yet that he’s gone. His folks...