Stream The Daily Quote free online. The Daily Quote: Big thoughts, broken down, before you finish your coffee. The Daiy Quote releases every day Monday through Friday. Breaking down some of the most famous and inspirational quotes in history, and asks h
我12岁的时候,对学英语入了迷。 There's an examination for young people to go to university. I failed it three times. I failed a lot. So I applied to 30 different jobs and got rejected. I went for a job with the police; they said, 'You're no good.' I even went to KFC when i...
拥有财富和它所能带来的物质享受是好事,但也别忘了定期查看,确保你没有丢失那些金钱买不来的东西。 A beautiful tomorrow never comes. When it does, it's already today. In the hunt for a beautiful tomorrow, don't waste your wonderful today. "美好的明天"是不存在的。即使它实现了,也已是"今天"。
“QOTD”,这个是“Quote of The Day”的缩写,意思是“当日引用”,一般都是在分享一段话或者一句名言时用这个标签。 除了上述提到的这些,还有一些hashtag也是IG上的时尚博主们比较爱用的,比如跟上面那个#QOTD比较相似的#Inspo。 Inspo是inspirational的缩写,而inspirational是鼓舞人心的意思。因此,一些时尚博主在分享...
Buddhist Quote for the day 明白了就去做 证严法师 最真实、最奥妙的法,往往不是用言语可以解说明白的,反而用譬喻更能够显理,这叫做以事显理;所以有很多故事看起来很简单,但含意却是非常微妙。因此我们不要轻视简单的事物,若能有所体会,真正奥妙的道理就在其中。
You can breathe into certain places in your body by holding the intention to send the air and the energy to that place in your physical body. You can set any intention for your conscious breathing and breathe your way into the actualization of that intention or the manifestation of that desi...
Buddhist Quote for the day 反观自心 净慧长老 说到开示,讲来讲去,都是剩语,因为讲不出什么新鲜的东西来。讲出来的都不是禅。禅是靠每个人自己去修行,去体验的。 每个人反观自心就会知道,说出来的都不是禅;自己哪怕有那么一点点体会、受用,那一点点受用就是禅。
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Quote Catalog is the quote engine of the internet. All quotes are properly cited and from some of the world’s most engaging and intelligent people.
Feb 24, 2022QuoteBuddhist Quote Deities by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Exhibitions like this one on Tibet are helpful for introducing people to a culture. We Tibetans have a distinctive culture. Materially, we are rather poor, but in spiritual and cultural development we are quite rich wi...