Ahead of its broadcast in Japan, The Quintessential Quintuplets *, a new TV special episode from the The Quintessential Quintuplets anime franchise, has gotten its theatrical screening in 109 theaters for a limited time of three weeks from September 20. In its first weekend, the 47-minut...
Mattsu, Yamma and Moburi 2: Navy`s Treasure and Islands with Mystery to Be Hunted -EpicMan The Quintessential Quintuplets Film -Zer0Flamer, AnimeBalkan Tim Akuma-kun (2023) - eps. 07-12 -Pegla JK Baki: Son of Ogre #2 - eps. 21-27 -Kiba Bikini Warriors OVA - eps. 01-06 -Miki...
There aren't many anime that start with ‘Q’, but that doesn't mean they don't exist! Here's every popular anime beginning with the letter ‘Q’, including thesupernatural romance animeThe Qwaser of Stigmata, the harem comedy seriesThe Quintessential Quintuplets, and the fan service bonanza...
Also because of Sōma, we picked upThe Quintessential Quintuplets(Go-Toubun no Hanayome) in the middle of its second season, without bothering with season one. So yes, we are now following both the sextuplet-brothers anime and the quintuplet-sisters anime. We startedHIGH-RISE INVASIONas well ...
Studio:Maho Film Where to Watch My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 Synduality: Noir Studio:8bit What is Synduality: Noir about? Over a century ago, the “Tears of the New Moon” catastrophe unleashed a deadly rain known as “Blueshist” upon the world. Exposure to this poiso...
Here at Geeky Hobbies, we still love physical media. Streaming offers some nice benefits, but there are also plenty of negatives that make physical media our preferred way to watch TV series. While there aren’t as many TV on DVD or Blu-ray releases as there used to b...
Voice actress Miku Ito has chosen “The Quintessential Quintuplets,”“The Idolmaster Million Live!,”“Night Jellyfish Can’t Swim,”“Na Nare Hana Nare,”“Acro Trip,” and other works as her representative works. – Summary of representative anime characters (2024 edition)October 12th is th...
I liked A Couple of Cuckoos and Quintessential Quintuplets enough to watch them all the way through, but they were more like harem dramas with humorous moments mixed in to lighten them up. And the thing is, when I first started watching anime (I guess nine to ten years ago now?) I ...