新建一个数据源: 重新再选择这个数据源,再次查询: 说明不是连接字符串的问题或者是mysql驱动的问题 问题2:Data Retriever failed to execute query解决方法 问题现象: 所有的环境都一样,仅仅只是两条sql语句不一样: select ProductName from SP_Product where ProductName='力士恒久嫩肤娇肤香皂115g' 这一句执行:...
说明不是连接字符串的问题或者是mysql驱动的问题 问题2:Data Retriever failed to execute query解决方法 问题现象: 所有的环境都一样,仅仅只是两条sql语句不一样: select ProductName from SP_Product where ProductName='力士恒久嫩肤娇肤香皂115g' 这一句执行: select ProductName from SP_Product where ProductN...
点击查看报错信息 com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.exceptions.MybatisPlusException:One record is expected,butthe query result ismultiplerecordsatcom.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ExceptionUtils.mpe(ExceptionUtils.java:49)atcom.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper.selectOne(BaseMapper.java:176)atjava....
在PL/SQL DEV里面有把锁一样的按钮,点击它为什么会跳出“these query result are not updateable,include the ROWID to get updateable results” 第一种解决方法: 锁上编辑锁,加上查询他的ROWID就可以打开修改锁修改数据了 例: select t.*,t.rowid from scott.emp t 第二种解决方法: 也可以 select t.* f...
1 as parent, NULL, NULL, ltrim(rtrim(value)) + ' exists in ' + type, [name] from @tempValidateLookupData where [TestResult] = 0 and test = 'Not Exists' -- (above query produces nodes like -- <Error ErrorMessage="JA exists in Countries" FieldName="CountryCode"/>) for xml expli...
Fix GH-11550: MySQL Statement has a empty query result when the response field has changed, also Segmentation fault#11551 Closed kamil-tekielaclosed this ascompletedAug 4, 2023 timnoltementioned this issueSep 1, 2023 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account...
The Reporting Services query designer will only return and process the first result set. If you have macros that return more than one result set from which you need the data, then you need to create wrapper macros that join the result sets into a single result set, or modify your report ...
The query's type is IEnumerable(Of String), and the corresponding parameter on Where has type IEnumerable(Of T). Thus the compiler is able to infer that T must be of type String. As a result, the compiler does not need to be given a type for the lambda expression's parame...
Figure 3 Query Analyzer Results Immediately below the SQL query that was executed is the results grid, which shows what is returned by the query. In this case there are two resultsets returned. The first resultset is a list of Sections (forums) and the second one is a set of permissions...
WITH WITH specifies a temporary named result set which can be referenced by a FROM clause in the query. This is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT statement. Built-in functions Azure Stream Analytics provides some built-in functions. The categories of ...