采石场惊魂 The Quarry豆瓣评分:6.0 简介:《采石场惊魂》是《黑相集》系列、《直到黎明》开发商 Supermassive Games的全新作品。本作将于2022年6月10日登陆主机及PC平台。夏末的一天,在纽约州北部的偏远森林中,哈克特采石场的青少年辅导员们在营地准备度
The Quarry is a cinematic horror game where you control the fates of nine camp counselors as their party plans unravel into a night of horror.
34 ps4中文_415_直到尽头.Unto The End 14:58 ps4中文_416_密不可分.Indivisible 36:26 ps4中文_417_地狱派.Hell Pie 21:23 ps4中文_418_摧毁.Dysmantle 17:30 ps4中文_419_采石场惊魂.The Quarry 27:01 ps4中文_420_层层恐惧2.Layers of Fear 2 15:23 ps4中文_421_消逝的光芒:信徒 – 加强...
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The Quarry - Deluxe Edition 將扮演九位營地顧問中的每一位,在一個驚心動魄的電影故事中扮演每一個決定,從一個錯綜複雜的可能性網絡中塑造你獨特的故事。
Note: The ‘80s-themed character outfits will be automatically delivered in-game on or by 7/8/2022 游戏说明 As the sun sets on the last day of summer camp, the teenage counselors of Hackett’s Quarry throw a party to celebrate. No kids. No adults. No rules. Things quickly take a tur...
购买The Quarry - Deluxe Edition PC ✔️ CD Key ✔️ Instant download ✔️ Fantastic price ✔️ Digital Download ✔️
The Quarry PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PCThe Quarry is out now!The Quarry follows a group of nine teenage counselors stranded at Hackett's Quarry on the last day of summer camp. Featuring an ensemble of Hollywood stars and horror legends, including David Arquette ("Scream" fra...
As the sun sets on the last day of summer camp, the teenage counselors of Hackett’s Quarry throw a party to celebrate. No kids. No adults. No rules. Things quickly take a turn for the worse. Hunted by blood-drenched locals and something far more sinister, the teens' party plans ...
PC 67 Riot Pixels The Quarry is a retread of the familiar genre tropes and Supermassive's own debut game, Until Dawn, but the quality bar is somehow lower than 7 years ago. Still, it’s entertaining enough for one playthrough if you like ”QTE movies”. ...