Whyisthe“invertedpyramid”widelyusedinwritingnewsreports?Thepurposeofnewsreportsistoinformreadersofwhatishappeningintheworld.Itmakessensesforthefactstobearrangedfrommosttoleastimportant.The“invertedpyramid”allowsinformationtobefoundquicklyinspecificsections.Newsreport1Newsreport2 Whatarethetwonewsreports?NewsOne Firef...
According to Noam Chomsky, “The duty of journalists is to tell the truth. Journalism means you go back to the actual facts, you look at the documents, you discover what the record is, and you report it that way.” To do this, journalists need to (7) ___ an event thoroughly.To (...
Journalism(新闻业) is a fast-paced industry, requiring reporters to get the facts about newsworthy events and to write about them before a deadline(截止日期). It takes some skills to do this. At the same time, news reporters must follow strict requirements and have a deep und...
“A multiyear study of local television news we designed at the Project for Excellence in Journalism, for instance, found that stations that ran more short stories—under 45 seconds—tended to lose audiences. Stations that did more stories over two minutes, on the other hand, tend to gain vie...
The article discusses the need to reform journalism as traditional outlets like local television and daily newspapers are experiencing a continuous erosion of audiences in the U.S. A report published by the Pew Research Center showed that local TV news lost 12 percent of viewers and newspapers ...
根据第一段中"Journalism is a fast--paced industry,requiring reporters to get the facts about newsworthy events and to write about them before adeadline.(新闻业是一个快节奏的行业,要求记者获得有新闻价值的事件的事实,并在截止日期之前进行报道)和It takes some skills to do this.At th...
really fixed is journalism. When we look at what most traditional newspapers and magazines do today, there is almost no difference in the journalistic focus. The articles have the same approach, the same style, they are packaged the same way, and the value of each article ...
Why does the story of Roosevelt not being photographed in wheelchair show A.Newspapers in the past were supposedly objective.B.Journalists in the past were great story-tellers.C.Journalists’ role in the past was less adversarial.D.Newspapers were once notorious for yellow journalism. ...
- Our job isn't to make sure he can bounce his grandkids on his lap, our job is to get him healthy enough to go back to Death Row. 可我们的任务又不是确保他子孙绕膝,我们只要让他健康地去奔赴刑场就可以了 - Our job is to diagnose him. ...
Journalism(新闻业) is a fast-paced industry, requiring reporters to get the facts about newsworthy events and to write about them before a deadline(截止日期). It takes some skills to do this. At the same time, news reporters must follow strict requirements and have a deep understanding of ...