The Purpose of ChristmasRick WarrenRick Warren, The Purpose Of Christmas (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008), 88.
by Rick Warren — September 10, 2023 from50 Days of Faith In Mark 10, a huge crowd was following Jesus as he left Jericho. A man named Bartimaeus was blind and begging by the roadside. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was nearby, he began to shout, …Continue readingDon’t Put Off Yo...
ThePurposeDrivenLifeThePurposeDrivenLife (RickWarren)(RickWarren) AboutourPurpose!AboutourPurpose! It’snotaboutme!It’snotaboutme! Col1:16“Foreverything,absolutelyCol1:16“Foreverything,absolutely everything,aboveandbelow,visibleandeverything,aboveandbelow,visibleand invisible,rankafterrankafterrankof...
Produced by the writer-director’s own daughter, the well-known-in-our-circles- from-her-days-at-New Line (and later at Revolution Studios), who began her career as a publicist of Dino De Laurentiis on the film “Blue Velvet” which I happened to foster as the acquisitions executive at...
America's New People's Pastor These are heady times for Rick Warren. His book The Purpose Driven Life, which says that meaning in life comes through follow... Only 9% of Americans say they disapprove of president-elect Barack Obama's choice of megachurch pastor Rick Warren to give the pr...
Wu: The Story of the Wu-Tang Clan Film 9 votes Wu: The Story of the Wu-Tang Clan is a 2007 American rap documentary film directed by Gerald Barclay. In the summer of 1993, the Wu-Tang Clan emerged from the burroughs of New York City and took the hip-hop world by storm. Their le...
Interestingly, this has spawned a good deal of conversation in religious circles about the role of women in the church. Notably making news is the Saddleback Church and its previous pastor, Rick Warren, for hiring a female teaching pastor last year. As a result, Saddleback was disfellowshipped...
In his new endeavor to help Saddleback congregants get healthy, Pastor Rick has enticed unsuspecting people, many of them professing Christians, into drinking his witch’s brew. Many of you are thinking, “Rick Warren wouldn’t do that!” Oh really? Stay with me and you’ll discover what ...
PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please! Experience More of God’s Presence in 2025! Prayer has the power to transform your year and that’s why we hope you’ll request a copy of the brand-newDaily Hope Prayer Journa...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...