Title:The Purpose Driven Life Series:Purpose Driven Life, The Author:Rick Warren Imprint:Zondervan ebook Language:English Download file formats This ebook is available in: Digital Rights Management (DRM) The publisher has supplied this book in encrypted form, which means that you need to install ...
The Purpose Driven Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing.Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002).Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Life. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2002.Warren, R. (2002). The pu...
Rick Warren shows you how to live out the purpose you were created for and move beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live!
Rick Warren shows you how to live out the purpose you were created for and move beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live!
ThePurposeDrivenLifeThePurposeDrivenLife (RickWarren)(RickWarren) AboutourPurpose!AboutourPurpose! It’snotaboutme!It’snotaboutme! Col1:16“Foreverything,absolutelyCol1:16“Foreverything,absolutely everything,aboveandbelow,visibleandeverything,aboveandbelow,visibleand invisible,rankafterrankafterrankof...
This article is an excerpt from theShortform book guide to "The Purpose Driven Life"by Rick Warren. Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading. Like this article?Sign up for a free trial here. ...
回答:导论:我究竟为谁而活? ?第1天万物皆由神开始 ?第2天你的存在绝非偶然 ?第3天什么在主导你的人生? ?第4天为永恒而创造 ?第5天从神的观点看人生 ?第6天人生是一项暂时性的任务 ?第7天所有一切的缘由 人生目标: 1. 神已计划,要你为讨他喜悦而活 ?第8天被造是为讨神喜悦 ?第9天什...
Christians may really enjoy Rick Warren’sPurpose Driven Life. In Summary Whether you’re looking for your next job, or trying to find yourself, these books are sure to help. After you read a few, let me know what you think! Before you go:I’m curious, what are your favorite books ...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States.