The Punisher 88 votes The Punisher, the Netflix series that brought Frank Castle's grim narrative to life, quickly became a favorite among fans of the Marvel anti-hero and geek culture alike. The series' brutal and realistic depiction of justice, combined with Jon Bernthal's gripping per...
Black Canary, also known as Dinah Lance, is a fierce and skilled martial artist and superhero in the DC Comics universe. With her exceptional hand-to-hand combat abilities and signature Canary Cry - a powerful sonic scream - she fights against crime and injustice alongside other heroes...
There is a backstory with the main character about stalking, but so much attention was paid to this that it insinuated it had something to do with Winnie and Piglet, when it did not. So why was it there? It felt like an empty add to the plot. There is also a story line added of...
Perhaps partly inspired by Daredevil's vigilantism, Frank Castle launched a campaign against the criminal gangs responsible for the deaths of his family. He gained the name "the Punisher," and after his arrest went through an extremely high-profile trial. This led to intense public debate on t...
If the Punisher kills Kingpin in a future MCU movie or show, he would take a weight off other heroes' shoulders, as Daredevil, Echo, Spider-Man, and otherMCU street-level heroesavoid using lethal force to protect New York. Although most of them would likely disagree with the Punisher's ...
I’m glad that you talked about diving into the character. He’s so mythic inStar Treklore. Were you given a backstory to help you develop the character, or did you develop your backstory, or was it all canon? April was Gene Roddenberry’s original pitch back in 1964 to CBS for the ...
“Yeah, I know who you are”: A Real Nerd Made Jon Bernthal Do the Right Thing Before Playing ‘The Punisher’ That Marvel Desperately Needs Today 1/2/2025 by Nishanth A FandomWire Champions: Marvel's Young Avengers Series Will Reportedly Be A Post-secret Wars Project 12/30/2024 ComicBook...
Heck, the Punisher replaced Daredevil as a main character, and the show is called DAREDEVIL! The Punisher should be ranked higher. He literally killed Spider-Man in one comic, no joke! He opts to kill or severely beat criminals rather than sending them to jail, preventing them from ...
Xavier assisted her in unlocking her potential as a telekinetic abilities instead, teaching her how to levitate and manipulate objects through psionic force. Jean has been one of the main members of the X-Men throughout most iterations of the team, especially in X-Men: The Animated Series. ...
” He pauses. “As a wizard, I know that time and rest can replenish my abilities. And so you have carelessly spent time to make sure that each of you is at peak performance with your abilities and talents. And even today as you knew that time was not at your side, the greed and...