the Bay froze over. North Starwas almost destroyed against the shore. The next June, she was again forced up. In between existential crises, Pullen kept his crew busy building up the shore establishment at Beechey with a new depot/storehouse, Northumberland House, built from components of the...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Butler, L.; Yigitcanlar, T.; Paz, A. Barriers and risks of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) adoption in cities: A systematic review of the literature. Cities 2020, 109, 103036. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Torku, A.; Chan, A.P.C.; Yung, E....
Nonetheless, the Central and Eastern European countries also include those for which RESs are still not sufficiently important, with the share of energy from renewable sources remaining low—Ireland (13.1%), Malta (13.4%), Belgium (13.8%), and Luxembourg (14.4%) [21,25,26]. The share of ...
The D389V mutation was inserted using the mutator plugin of PyMOL (Schrödinger Inc., New York, NY, USA). 4.2. CORE-MD II Simulation The CORE-MD II technique is an enhanced MD-simulation method that relies in part on the partitioning of the entire pathway into short ...