He is a founder member and board of trustee of the Queensland Multicultural Council and serves on the police ethnic advisory group and Lord Mayors Multicultural round table. He has been the founder and president of GOPIO Qld and serves as a Trustees of GOPIO Queensland. He is the chair of t...
with Faculty of Public Health Academic & Research Committee as Chair, Faculty of Public Health Board as a trustee, Public Health England–University of Cambridge Academic Liaison Committee meeting as Chair, and East of England Public Health England Research and Evaluation Hub as co-Chair; all out...
According to the register of Directors' shareholdings, as at 19 November 2012, Ms Chua had a deemed interest in 10,836,742 shares held by DBS Trustee Limited, the trustee of a trust established for the purposes of the performance share plans for the benefit of eligible employees of the ...
viscoelas ANDOR All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessReview by Anna V. Chatzi *, Wayne Martin , Paul Bates and Patrick Murray School of Commerce, University of Southern Queensland, Brisbane QLD4300, Australia...