网络公共品博弈 网络释义 1. 公共品博弈 公共品博弈(the Public goods game)是经济学用以研究人类群体行为与合作效率的重要模型。过去20年间,西方学者就此撰 …|基于4个网页
Evolutionary games defined at the network mesoscale: The Public Goods game The evolutionary dynamics of the Public Goods game addresses the emergence of cooperation within groups of individuals. However, the Public Goods game on l... J Gmez-Gardeñes,M Romance,R Criado,... - 《Chaos An ...
In the public goods game (PGG), the only Nash equilibrium (NE) that is based on monetary considerations is for all players to free ride. However, in PGG experiments, most individuals contributed approximately half of their endowment to the public pool and this contribution tends to decrease as...
The public goods game.Panagiotis, Mitkidis
Consider the following public goods game. There are 3 agents and each agent has an endowment of oneunit of a private good. All agents simultaneously decide how much to contribute towards the public good(only positive amounts allowed) and there is a technology such that the quantity public ...
A comparison shows that the rate of decline is more than twice as high in a standard public goods game. Furthermore, we find that simple learning cannot generate the contribution dynamics, which are commonly attributed to the existence of conditional cooperators. We conclude that cooperative ...
Covenants with weak swords: ISO 14001 and facilities' environmental performance Voluntary environmental programs are codes of progressive environmental conduct that firms pledge to adopt. This paper investigates whether ISO 14001, a vo... M Potoski,A Prakash - 《Journal of Policy Analysis & Management...
Exploring the 'public goods game' model to overcome the Tragedy of the Commons in fisheries management Kraak SBM. Exploring the `public goods game' model to overcome the tragedy of the commons in fisheries management. Fish Fish 2011;12:18-33... SBM Kraak - 《Fish & Fisheries》 被引量: ...
Generally, with a standard linear public goods game, one observes at the aggregate level that contributions lay between the Nash equilibrium and the social optimum and decrease over time with and end-effect. The purpose of this paper is to see whether these general aggregate results remain availab...
Dynamic cluster formation game for attributed graph clustering IEEE Trans Cybernet, 49 (1) (2019), pp. 328-341 Google Scholar [27] C.J. Wang, L. Wang, J. Wang, S.W. Sun, C.Y Xia Inferring the reputation enhances the cooperation in the public goods game on interdependent lattices Appl...