请教各位,onepl..使用oneplayer飞行家F1运行ps3模拟器的神秘海域3港版,时提示The PS3 application has likely crashed, you can close it.,运行不了,换
rpsc3..the ps3 application has likely crashed you can close it.用ps3模拟器玩最后生还者的时候出现了这句话 还是刚进游戏的时候有没有大佬求教一下怎么解决
6回复贴,共1页 <返回rpcs3吧the ps3 application has crashed 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_G3UX5XQ 初级粉丝 1 进游戏提示这个,gpu下那个分辨率是默认的1280*720 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-02-02 13:43回复 贴吧用户_G3UX5XQ 初级粉丝 1 我的显示器分辨率是2K 2560*1440 来自Android客户...
提示The ps3 application has likely crashed you can close it,然后就没反应了 来自rpcs3吧 9000F已抱回家 xtzhou198101-11 20 尴尬!画质王神秘海域2引发PS3大面积故障,疑透支硬件性能 (台湾那边译为 密境探险2) === 啦啦啦 分隔线=== 主机是PS3 60G的过保了 坏掉的过程是这样的,昨天我下午玩了...
楼主试试在电脑桌面右键——NVIDIA Control Panel——程序设置——添加游戏目录里的“NeptuniaReBirth2.exe”跟“neptuniarebirth2_ali213.exe”两个文件,把“2.为此程序选择首选图形处理器”改为“高性能NVIDIA处理器”,然后再把“3.指定该程序的设置值”里的”各向异性过滤“跟”垂直同步“关闭,然后...
9394628 老虎吧 虎皇酋长 【A Cry for the Tiger】第一期转:狮子吧 作者:非洲之魂001 原贴时间:2012-12-09 我找到啦 分享57赞 rpcs3吧 klias rpsc3the ps3 application has likely crashed you can close it. 用ps3模拟器玩最后生还者的时候出现了这句话 还是刚进游戏的时候 有没有大佬求教一下怎么解...
Each season lasts 36 turns (2 days and 2 nights) and has its own set of bonuses and penalties. Additionally, there are season-specific weather effects such as rain, wind or snow which also affect gameplay for a couple of turns. Since these changes are likely to increase the overall ...
所谓的主监视者,the Monitor,也叫Overvoid,按照莫 分享122 孤岛危机吧 贴吧用户_0Q3t8PP [PS3] IGN采访Last of Us主创---“新预告,新艾莉”---E3有猛料IGN最新采访文章来了 第二个预告里顽皮狗故意将Ellie调整得更幼嫩了,雀斑也没有了 The Last of Us: New Trailer, New Ellie Joel, Ellie and a ...
Maybe that’s why it has “brief” in the title, whereas I originally reckoned it applied to the size of the book. If you want to be shocked and surprised by reading the book yourself, do not read any further. Here be spoilers. So the book quickly dispenses with the thought of the...
The professional world generally falls into two camps; those willing to learn and benefit from something new, and those who won't. The former are less likely to find that the world has moved on and left them behind. 02 2 monthsbazza ...