The proximal nail fold (PNF) covers and protects most of the matrix and the newly formed nail plate. The pocket formed by the PNF is called the proximal nail groove. Its most proximal part is named the cul-de-sac. The most distal part of the PNF forms an acute angle, giving rise to...
hematomaBackground: The proximal fold is an important part of the nail apparatus it contributes to the formation of the nail plate and through the cuticle acts as an impermeable barrier protecting it from any cause.Objective: To know the proximal nail fold hematoma caused by the use of pulse ...
Objective. To describe the development of a superficially invasive SCC of the proximal nail fold in a patient infected with HIV, to report the association of a previously unrecognized HPV genotype, and to review key etiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic points as related to SCC of the proximal ...
the body of the nail; and the nail root, which is the proximal section of the nail. The root is bound by a fold of skin called the nail fold. At the base of the nail root is the nail groove, from which the nail constantly grows at an average rate of 3 mm per month in man. ...
As the nail cells are created and pushed forward, the nail plate literally rips the bottom layer of eponychium cells with it. It is these cells that are thecuticle. Cuticle cells also tightly grip the proximal fold of the eponychium. This creates a nice, tight guardian seal. ...
Following the 7th day after the first operation, reconstructive procedures were performed beginning with exploration by cervical collar incision and its extension to proximal part of cervical medial line. Traffic accident like suicide Cervical Collar, Airway and Burn Kit, Trauma Kit, Splints, is respon...
) The large process at the proximal end of the ulna which projects behind the articulation with the humerus and forms the bony prominence of the elbow. Olefiant (a.) Forming or producing an oil; specifically, designating a colorless gaseous hydrocarbon called ethylene. Olefine (n.) Olefiant ...
A & B. The photos show scaly pink to violaceous plaques on the photoexposed aspects of the forearm (A) and neck and upper chest (B) with evidence of excoriations and erosions proximal to the elbow. There is sparing of sun-protected sites, including the folds on the neck and the ...
The following average ratios were obtained at proximal collecting points (diarrhea versus recovery): Glucose, 54 h (0.70-0.45); 1 h (0.59-0.34); 2 h (0.52-0.33); 3 h (0.52-0.10); 4 h (0.50-0); 5 h (0.20-0). Lactose (hydrolysis index), 1 h (0.79-0.48); 2 h (0.84-0.23)...