Commonly-abbreviated terms should be spelled out in their first occurrence and then may be referenced in abbreviation through the remainder of the manuscript. The Journal requires the use of official gene and protein symbols, to facilitate standardization of scientific communication. Consult the Human ...
Abbreviations should be used sparingly, and only where they ease the reader’s task by reducing repetition of long technical terms. Initially write the term in full, followed by an abbreviation in parentheses, and use the abbreviation thereafter. ...
When an abbreviation appears in the text for the first time, it should be placed in parentheses after the words for which it stands. Format. The main text file should be prepared using Microsoft Word using 1.5 line spacing. Parts of the Manuscript The text file should be presented in the ...
Always provide the complete form of an acronym the first time it is mentioned in the text (note that if an abbreviation has been spelled out in the abstract, it still must be spelled out in the text on first-time use). An acronym or abbreviation is permitted if it is used thr...
The results of GWAS-eQTL colocalization by coloc or SMR are shown between GWAS and eQTL Manhattan plot, which were labeled with gene name and tissue abbreviation after a colon (A: adipose, L: liver, M: muscle). The gene label colors and the dot colors of the eQTL Manhattan plot with ...
The amoA/pmoA protein was used as an anchor sequence to manually annotate putative amoB/pmoB, amoC/pmoC, and pmoX proteins present on each contig across the Ca. Angelarchaeales genomes (Supplementary Table 2). Manual annotation used a combination of gene order relative to the amoA/pmoA sequen...
Thus, E2 abbreviation used is for all sex steroid estrogens throughout the text, including those circulating in lesser amount or/and active metabolites. 3.2. E2 functional aspects and gender differences E2 is commonly known as a hormone secreted by the ovaries throughout the reproductive span of ...
Abbreviation: Ctr: healthy controls (n = 36), SCD: CSF Aβ42+ subjects with subjective cognitive decline (n = 19), MCI: CSF Aβ42+ subjects with mild cognitive impairment (n = 39), Dem: Aβ42+ subjects with Alzheimer’s disease dementia (n = 27). Statistically ...
Abbreviations are not encouraged except for units of measurement and universally recognized abbreviations (e.g. DNA). When an abbreviation appears in the text for the first time, it should be placed in parentheses after the words for which it stands. ...
been increased interest in studying how industry practices are affected by policies on intellectual property and technology transfer such as Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, the global agreement known by the abbreviation TRIPS (e.g. Lemus and Marshall2018; Vakili and McGahan2016)...