1、先知英文版The PROPHET, by Kahlil GibranThe Coming of the Ship Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth.And in the twelfth...
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the northwind lays waste the garden. 于是艾尔米特拉说,给我们讲讲爱。 他抬头凝望众人,众人一片肃静。他放声说道: 当爱向你发出召唤,追随他, 哪怕...
The Prophet is a book of prose poetry that made its Lebanese-American author famous. Commonly found in gift shops and frequently quoted at weddings or any occasion where uplifting 'spiritual' thoughts are required, the work has never been a favorite of intellectuals - to some readers it may s...
Kumaran, S.Writers Editors Critics
ThePROPHET,byKahlilGibran TheComingoftheShipAlmustafa,thechosenandthe beloved,whowasadawnuntohisownday,hadwaitedtwelve yearsinthecityofOrphaleseforhisshipthatwastoreturnand bearhimbacktotheisleofhisbirth. Andinthetwelfthyear,ontheseventhdayofIelool,the ...
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听原著学英语创作的有声书作品Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet 纪伯伦 - 先知,目前已更新0个声音,收听最新音频章节null。《先知》(有声读物版)讲述清晨,带着一颗雀跃的心醒来,感谢又一个充满爱的日子...
The Prophet: Directed by Roger Allers, Gaëtan Brizzi, Paul Brizzi, Joan C. Gratz, Mohammed Saeed Harib, Tomm Moore, Nina Paley, Bill Plympton, Joann Sfar, Michal Socha. With Liam Neeson, Salma Hayek, John Krasinski, Frank Langella. Exiled artist and p
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Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, Chapter 4 Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are...