韦罗基奥(Andrea del Verrocchio)-基督施洗(Baptism of Christ)1475 (图中约翰手持长柄十字架,腰间别着卷轴。最左侧两位天使为当时还是学徒的达芬奇的手笔。还有,在“天使报喜”专题中提到的“圣灵之鸽”这一形象在画中也有所体现) 耶稣来到约翰那里,在约旦河里接受他的洗礼。文中描述到:他从水里探身出来的时候...
Define The Prophecies. The Prophecies synonyms, The Prophecies pronunciation, The Prophecies translation, English dictionary definition of The Prophecies. Originally Michel de Notredame. 1503-1566. French physician and astrologer noted for his several vo
1.the doctrine of Christ’s 1000-year kingdom. 2.a belief in the millennium; chiliasm. —millenarian,n., adj. —millenarist,n. millennialism a doctrine that Christ will make a second Advent and that the prophecy in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled with an earthly millennium of...
purposes in the exaltation and glory of His Son Jesus Christ. In the not-too-distant future, both those who “received Him not” (the Jews), along with those who “knew Him not” (the world), will own Him as the Son of God and the King of Israel, who has the right to put ...
of his oblation and suffering;the 72d, of his kingly and prophetical power and glorious regard unto his people; the 68th, of his glorious exaltation; and this 45th psalm is a prophecy and description of his person, and his kingly office, and of the espousals of him and his church. ...
An End Time Prophecy of Jesus ChristHome USE ICONS ON MAIN PAGE FOR ALL CONTENT _ Search Email Contact: TheClockProphecy@USA.com Visitor Counter 241,412 Facebook Twitter Instagram Email Search for: Recent Posts Stay Tuned Recent Comments A WordPress Commenter on Stay Tuned Archives January...
The authors propose a distinction between Mosaic and Jeremianic prophecy, arguing that Christ's was of the latter kind, which was present in the Ancient Near East, the Old and New Testaments, and other Jewish and Christian authors. Their argument, however, is at risk of reducing the ...
图书The Prophecy of Jesus the Christ 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
of Christiantheology. The 16th-century movement calledFuturism, expounded by theJesuitFrancisco Ribera, stressed the future fulfillment of theprophecyof the End as mentioned in scripture with both the rise of theAntichristand the return of Christ. Another historical event whose ideas may have had ...