答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 proper 有自己的;自身的;专有的意思,合同自己就是合同正文咯~The Proper Law of the Contract 合同自体法 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 相似问题 请翻英语:2、合同3.3:“合同结束the end of the contract”词义不明确,是否指每 次定单确定的交货时间 cal...
proper 有自己的;自身的;专有的意思,合同自己就是合同正文咯~ The Proper Law of the Contract 合同自体法 分析总结。 为什么proper没有正文的意思但商务英语中thecontractproper表示合同正文结果一 题目 为什么proper没有“正文”的意思,但商务英语中the contract proper表示“合同正文”? 答案 proper 有自己的;自...
网络侵权行为自体法;侵权行为的自体法 网络释义
proper 有自己的;自身的;专有的意思,合同自己就是合同正文咯~The Proper Law of the Contract 合同自体法
china.findlaw.cn|基于2个网页 2. 契约适切法 契约适切法」(the Proper law of Contract)。就个别契约所有相关要素综合性认定何***关珺文读书报 … www.geocities.ws|基于 1 个网页
Intl L.qthe Proper Law of the Contract. F.A. Mann. International Law Quarterly . 1950F.A. Mann.the Proper Law of the Contract. International Law Quarterly . 1950P.B.Carter.The Proper Law of the Contract[J].International Law Quarterly,1950,(3):255,259....
Law and Order isn’t simply something found on television four nights a week. Our integrity as a people is inextricably bound up with the idea that we are a nation of laws. You as jurors took an oath to uphold the law. In a time when we as Americans are increasingly labeled as a ...
试题来源: 解析 ( 1 )当事人意思自治( The autonomy of the parties ) ( 2 )最密切联系原则与特征性履行说( The doctrine of most significant relationship and the characteristic performance ) ( 3 )合同自体法( The proper law of the contract )...
proper law of the torts 词条 proper law of the torts 专业释义 <法律>侵权行为特有法 词条提问
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