Notice the pronunciation of the vowels (A, E, I, O, U). Then add a word to each group. A /er/ /ae/grade es.cape map cam.pus E /i://e/these Chi nese met for.get I /ar//1/write quiz lis.ten0/au//D/hope a-lone frog cof fee U /ju:/ /A/use fu-ture up ...
The pronunciation of the vowels (A,E,I,O,U) 元音字母的读音规则 每天学习一点点 提升成绩很明显 (1)A的发音规则 ①在重读开音节中读/eI/例如:plane radio wake ②在重读闭音节中读/æ/例如:bag lab contact (2)E的发音规则 ①在重读...
Notice the pronunciation of the vowels (A, E, I, O, U). Then add a word to each group. A /e1//ae/grade es.cape map cam.pus E /i:/ /e/these Chi.nese met for.get I /a1//1/write quiz lis.ten0/au//D/hope a lone frog cof fee U /ju:/ /A/use:fu.ture up ...
THEPRONUNCIATION OFVOWELLETTERS CONTENT: 1.Letter-To-SoundRules1:SingleVowel Letters(voweldigraphs) 2.Letter-To-SoundRules2:Graphic PositionofVowel-Letters 3.LaxingRules 1.LETTER-TO-SOUNDRULES: SINGLEVOWELLETTERS Whydoplain-tensevowelshavebroken-tenseandplain- laxvowelsbroad-laxcounterparts? Whatdoweca...
The pronunciation of single vowels人教版(2024)英语七年级上册 Thepronunciationofsinglevowels Leadingin 音标 Phonetic 单元音 single VOwels 前元音4个中元音3个后元音5个 工Learnabout/i:/ bee /i:/ ee ea ey ie e /i:/ Payattentiontothesewordswith/i:/ she we bee deep three meat...
Notice the pronunciation of the vowels(A,E,I, O, U). Then add a word to each group.听并复述。注意元音字母(A,E,I,O,U)的发音,然后给每组添加一个单词。 A /ei/ /ae/ grade es . cape map cam . pus年级 逃脱地图 校园another, woman: /i/ village, message E /i:/ /e/ these Chi...
你好, 高兴为你回答 notice the pronunciation of the vowels 这个表达的意思是,注意这些元音的发音。 请采纳 notice 这里作动词, 表示注意,pronunciation 名词, 意思是发音,动词是 pronounce vowel 指的是元音, 和辅音相对,复数加s.
Notice the pronunciation of the vowels (A,E,I, O, U).Then add a word to each group.听并复述。注意元音字母(A,E,I,O,U)的发音,然后给每组添加一个单词。A /e/ae/grade ees.capemapcam.pus年级逃脱地图校园/o/ another, woman; // illage,messageE/i://e/theseChi.nesemetfor.get这些汉语...
Roberts, M. (1966). The pronunciation of vowels in Negro speech. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.Roberts, Margaret M. 1966. The pronunciation of vowels in Negro speech. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University....