Hope In The Midst Of Pain Even Now From Life.Church Worship Being Filled With God's Love Promises On The Journey Our Good And His Glory Looking Like Jesus Hope in Any Crisis Finding Your Calling, Without Changing Your Job How Should I Pray? Get the YouVersion Bible App Save verses, read...
Are you living the way God is asking you to? What has He asked you to do that you're yet to do? Be bold and trust in his plan for your life.Today on Christianity.com What Does the Bible Say about Being a Good Friend? The Promise That Keeps Me Following Jesus Every Day 5 ...
The Sending of Jesus is a central theme in Christian theology, encapsulating the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. This event is rooted in the divine plan of redemption, as foretold by the prophets and fulfilled in the New Testament. The sending of Jesus is ...
John: "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12) This promise of God is in the context of salvation. If you believe and receive Jesus, he will give you the power to become a child of God...
Jesus (6 years-29 or 5 years ago-before-4 years before the 29 or 30 or 2 years-36, full name Jeshua Ben Joseph, namely, "Joshua, the son of Joseph" [1]) is the central figure of Christianity, Christians believe that he is the Savior of the prophecies in the old testament of the...
Our mission is to glorify God and bless you with His promises. We do this by categorizing God's promises into books of the Bible and topics, making those promises easier for you to find. And most importantly, If you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you are not sure...
Men with evil intentions make promises and reap evil rewards. Haman made a promise “to pay into the king’s treasuries for the destruction of the Jews” (Esth 4:7), but in turn was hanged for his wickedness Judas offered to betray Jesus, and the chief priests “promised to give him...
where Jesus, the forerunner for us, entered, because he became a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. For this...
上帝的信实应许 [The Faithful Promises of God] 书卷:创世记(旧约) 作者:摩西 创世记28章15节:“我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这地,总不离弃你,直到我成全了向你所应许的。”” 今日默想:我们所信的上帝是无所不在的上帝。无论我们往哪里去,祂都与我们同在。提摩太后书1章12节...
Standing on the Promises R. Kelso Carter, 1849-1928 神的应许,不论有多少,在基督都是是的。所以借着祂也都是实在的,叫神因我们得荣耀。(林后1:20) 基督徒每天的信心生活是建立在神的应许上。而不是建立在人的感觉、经历,或环境因素上,因为这一切都会改变,祇有神的应许是坚立不摇动。