This error occurs when MSBuild can't find a project file with the specified name at the expected location. The full message is something like the following text: Output MSB3202: The project file 'filename' was not found. Make sure the current directory is correct and that the specified pro...
The project directory is nested, and the required file is not present in the directory where the build commands are run. Solution Check whether the required build file is lost in the project. Verify if the build file is located in the project's root directory or the specified path in the...
The project file cannot be opened by the project system, because it is missing some critical imports or the referenced SDK cannot be found. Detailed Information: Unable to locate the .NET Core SDK. Check that it is installed and that the version specified in global.json (if any) matches th...
构建报错“ERROR: Task xxx was not found in the project xxx” 问题现象 命令行手动执行构建命令时,构建失败,提示“ERROR: Task xxx w……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
Thanks a lot, it was a problem of file source.. cpp files were not in the "source files" directory but everywhere else than there! Ahaha thank you again and sorry for bad English. Fortunately programs are written in universap language :P ...
svn更新代码后,打开xcode工程文件,会出现 xxx..xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed. 因为.xcodeproj工程文件冲突了,然后还是会强制更新,内部文件出现了冲突,所以解析不了文件。 会出现这样的冲突消息 [cpp] <<< .mine 9ADAAC...
最近因为Android Studio 升级到3.6 ,NDK也升级到21了,相关cpp文件报红, 然后顶上一直显示This file is not part of the project.然后我一直点击Sync Now,也没有解决问题。 虽然可以运行,但是没办法进行提示和代码自动排序了。而且红红的,真的烦人。
svn更新代码后,打开xcode工程文件,会出现 xxx..xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed. 因为.xcodeproj工程文件冲突了,然后还是会强制更新,内部文件出现了冲突,所以解析不了文件。 会出现这样的冲突消息 <<< .mine 9ADAAC6A15DCEF6A0019ACA8 ... in Resources */,=== 52FD...
解决方法: 1.对.xcodeproj文件右键,显示包内容 2.双击打开 project.pbxproj 文件 3.找到以上类似的冲突信息(能够用commad + f搜索) 4.删除<<<.mine,===,>>>这些行,这个就是冲突的地方,删除就能够打开文件了 5.保存,退出 6.又一次打开.xcodeproj文件就可以...