However, although various program dependences in sequential and/or centralized programs have been identified and some program dependence based representations for the programs have been proposed and...B. Korel, "The Program Dependence Graph in Static Program Testing," Information Processing Letters, Vol...
The program dependence graph and its use in optimization. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 9, 3 (July 1987), 319–349 ^当然,确定执行操作的确切控制条件(如确定确切的定义-使用关系)是一个无法解决的问题。然而,我们可以保守地确定所有可能的控制条件,正如所有可能...
In this paper we present an intermediate program representation, called the program dependence graph (PDG), that makes explicit both the data and control dependences for each operation in a program. Data dependences have been used to represent only the relevant data flow relationships of a program...
Sort by: Allows you to select which cohort's importances to sort the aggregate feature importance graph by. Chart type: Allows you to select between a bar plot view of average importances for each feature and a box plot of importances for all data. ...
On the other hand, considering its minimum value as the worst possible situation opens an analogy to the analysis performed in the PLANS program. Figure 7 Extreme cases global and local efficiency values during simulation. Full size image Table 2 with NetworkX data shows, that the graph, which...
Information collected on point (ii) is used to carry out the renormalization program. (v) Integration over the internal momenta of (a) is performed. This procedure gives the diagram’s contributions to the scattering amplitude of the particular process under study in terms of multidimensional integ...
Region-Level Traffic Prediction Based on Temporal Multi-Spatial Dependence Graph Convolutional Network from GPS Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(2): 303. Link Code Zhang Y, Wei X, Zhang X, et al. Self-Attention Graph Convolution Residual Network for Traffic Data Completion[J]. IEEE ...
14e, f). In the full genetic program, all cases produced the expected outcomes (Fig. 8f, Methods). Thus, COMET components and design principles can be employed to compose complex functions with single-layer logic. Discussion We anticipate that COMET will be a useful resource for building ...
(5) CAPES-PrInt Program grant to G.B.-R. no. 88887.310463/2018-00, mobility number 88887.571156/2020-00. (6) DFG (the German Research Foundation) grant to R.S. no. 446102036. P.S-S. and R.D. acknowledge financial support by the Spanish grant no. AYA-RTI2018-098657-J-I00 ‘...
In Section 7, a few words are given to explain novel developments suggesting a deep connection among graph theory, algebra and the causal structure of multi-loop scattering amplitudes. After that, we start the second part of the review, where we center into the computation of physical ...