5*01 Foxhole on the roof 屋顶掩体 5*02 Operation susie AQ禁令 5*03 You`ll be all right 处女街 5*04 Lawson`s last stand 劳森行动 5*05 Discovered in a graveyard 墓地幻影 5*06 Spy probe 间谍追杀 5*07 Cry wolf 嚎叫的狼 5*08 The untouchables 不可触犯 ...
The Professionals: Foxhole on the Roof (1982) Season 5, Episode 1 7/10 Foxhole on the Roof 4 May 2019 A nicely constructed episode even though it has few flaws.Roddy Barker is a newly released convict but he has been planning a devious big job. From a high vantage point and ...
These people are the ultimate multi-taskers and someone you'd want in a foxhole during a battle. They have peripheral vision, engaging personalities, can handle stress, and can hold everything together when mere mortals are reaching for the razor blades. Twenty-eight different waitpersons were ...
Hire more mental health professionals! Research of 37 top industrialized countries shows that our spending rate on mental health is about the same, the number of health professionals, the rate of severe mental disorders, and other mental factors are about the same. ** Whether the citizens of a...