[Late Latinencliticus, from Greekenklitikos, fromenklīnein,to lean on:en-,on, in; seeen-2+klīnein,to lean; seeklei-inIndo-European roots.] en·clit′i·cize′(-ə-sīz′)v. en·clit′i·ci·za′tion(-ə-sĭ-zā′shən),en′clis·is(-klĭs-ĭs)n. ...
She served as the main villain of the Aryana Sub Arc in LOTM: Sword of Kings AA Final - Eckidina Arc, as well as the main antagonist of the LOTM: A Draw of Kings: Deus.Ex.Machina Empire Saga - Genocide Arc, the secondary antagonist in LOTM: A Draw of Kings: Cataclysmatic War ...
(for so I shall henceforth call him), and his children, and every servant of his house, were desirous to teach me; for they looked upon it as a prodigy, that a brute animal should discover such marks of a rational creature. View in context A dozen times he scrambled up the trunks li...
René Goscinnyand Albert Uderzo’sbande dessinéeAsterix adventureAsterix the Legionary.The tenth Asterix story is a particular favorite of mine — because it is a sardonic inversion of one of my favorite sub-genres of adventure:the all-for-one, one-for-all argonautica. In order to rescue a ...
· Prodigy Tactics · PULSTAR · Quake 4 · Raiden V: Director's Cut · Reah: Face the Unknown · REAL BOUT FATAL FURY 2: THE NEWCOMERS · Reigns: Her Majesty · Reigns: Her Majesty - The Book of the Lady of the Wood [DLC] · Reigns: Her Majesty Soundtrack [DLC] · RIOT - ...
Eureka − Ep 1.1: Pilot (2006)IMDB***Kevin is an autistic child prodigy. He works on complicated equations, and given a calendar date he can tell the day of the week. In this episode he fills in the missing parts of an equation to help save time from unravelling. Plenty of equations...
prodelin prodigy lotion prodromus theodore produce a pleasant sm produce excellent produce on a large sc produce outstanding h produced by the ginse produced place of cyl producer theory producer-coloured fib produceren producerindex producersaicp producev producing carbine producing rust producing time...
52Amongtheseit is worthquotinglines114ff., withtherepriseof Ascanius’ prodigyinAeneidbook2, whena suddenflamecrackedouton theinfant’s head: as wediscussedinTommasi2006thisomencanbe tracedbackto a Indo-Europeanpattern.53Thisimpressionis reinforcedbythefactthatsomepassagesin thisworkarepatentlymodelledon...
The Prodigy The Purple Sun The Pursuit of Happiness The Queen Of Lower Chelsea The Race For Space The Rainbow Theramin The Ramones The Raven There's A Riot Goin On The Real Thing The Regulator The Reptile House EP The Republic of Texas The Resistance The Return Of The Giant Hogweed The ...
play - perform on a certain location; "The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16"; "She has been playing on Broadway for years" play - be performed or presented for public viewing; "What's playing in the local movie theater?"; "`Cats' has been playing on Broadway for many ...