The Prodigy(2009) Reference View|Change View PG 1h 17min Animation 07 Jul 2009 (USA) Movie 1.8(351) Rate An animated action comedy that follows the quest of a young panda girl named KG, the Kung-Fu Girl. With the help of her brave yet zany Master Panda, KG must rescue the handsome...
A thrilling and visually dazzling adventure that expertly blends elements of superhero action, sci-fi, and heartfelt drama, Big Hero 6 follows the journey of a young robotics prodigy named Hiro and his lovable healthcare robot, Baymax, as they form a team of high-tech heroes to save their...
The Prodigy: Directed by Robert D. Hanna. With Courtnee Draper, Robby Daniels, Ray Hanna, Jeffrey Lee Hollis. An animated action comedy that follows the quest of a young panda girl named KG, the Kung-Fu Girl. With the help of her brave yet zany Master Pa
importance of preserving our world for future generations. 17 6,951 votes big hero 6 2014 a thrilling and visually dazzling adventure that expertly blends elements of superhero action, sci-fi, and heartfelt drama, big hero 6 follows the journey of a young robotics prodigy named hiro and his...
Critics Consensus: Agreeably entertaining and brilliantly animated, Big Hero 6 is briskly-paced, action-packed, and often touching. Synopsis: Robotics prodigy Hiro (Ryan Potter) lives in the city of San Fransokyo. Next to his older brother, Tadashi, Hiro's closest... [More] Starring: Rya...
But this is probably the most convincingly characterised of all their films – the result of casting character actors rather than multiplex-stuffing comedians in the lead roles of a washed-up bowler and his Amish prodigy. It’s also the most sweet-natured of their films. The relationship ...
He’s actually an art prodigy, you know. Did you see the drawings? (re: pictures on the wall) Those are his. 20. Ki-Woo turns toward the AVANT-GARDE DRAWINGS on the wall. He gazes for a long moment. KI-WOO A lot of symbolism. Such strong point of view. YON-KYO Right...
Star Michael B. Jordan takes over official directing duties from Ryan Coogler (who still co-wrote the story) for Creed III, this time following Adonis Creed as he contends with a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy (Jonathan Majors) who resurfaces after serving a long sentence in priso...
Hulu is home to more than just high-octane action anime, andYour Lie in Aprilis an excellent example of this. Animation studio A-1 Pictures adapts the manga of the same name by Naoshi Arakawa, telling the emotional story of 14-year-old piano prodigy Kosei Arima. ...
The Paper Tigers is a high energy, hilarious, and surprisingly relatable story about three middle-aged men, each a former kung fu prodigy. They never thought their martial arts pasts would be valuable again in their adult lives, until their former master is murdered, and they vow revenge (...