“I found these cool toys on my trip and they reminded me a lot of your game; you might want to have your legal department contact them because I think they ’re ripping you off.” Hmmm! Blockers to game development One interesting facet of the early development process was that, while...
a.a device for winnowing b.the act or process of winnowing [Old Englishwindwian;related to Old High Germanwintōn,Gothicdiswinthjan,Latinventilāre.See wind1] ˈwinnowern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
The use of agricultural imagery would have been familiar to the original audience, who lived in an agrarian society and understood the process of winnowing and the insignificance of chaff. driven off by the wind.The wind represents the forces that scatter and disperse the chaff, illustrating the...
Middle Ages – Winnowing Winnowing is the name given to the process of separating the grain from the chaff (outer casing). However, before winnowing could take place the wheat had to be threshed (beaten) to separate the grain from the stalk. A sieve was often used to separate the grain ...
breakthroughs in the process in the late 1800s. First the beans go through a process of fermentation (酵 ) and drying. They are then sorted by hand before cleaning and then roasting. Winnowing (风扬) follows which removes the hard outer layers and leaves what is as the “grains". A cru...
"Winnowing" is the pre-floor process by which Congress determines the small percentage of bills that will receive committee attention. The vast majority of proposals languish in this vital agenda-setting stage, yet our understanding of winnowing is nascent. Why do some bills move forward while ...
winnowing 风选 blending 拼配 compressing 紧压 re-drying覆火 aging 陈放 12. added process 加工 Roasting 焙火 scenting 熏花 spicing调味 tea beverage 茶饮料 13. Packing包装 Vacuum packaging真空包装 nitrogen packs 充氮包装 shredded-tea bag 碎形小袋茶 leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶 ...
the wings of the gold the winnipeg commodit the winnowing the winter holiday the wireless foundati the wisdom in riptide the wisdom of realizi the wise man used his the witch king the wolf has a winnin the wolf is under a t the woman guard the woman replied the women also with c the...
... writers work in a kind of cooperation in which they are engaged in heated discussions and arguments about different ideas until they come up with really brilliant ones 6. Unless they adjust to the new medium, professional writers can come across as self-important blowhards in debates with...
37. a blast of air or wind 38. (Metallurgy) metallurgy a. a stage in the Bessemer process in which air is blasted upwards through molten pig iron b. the quantity of metal treated in a Bessemer converter 39. (Mining & Quarrying) mining a. a rush of air into a mine b. the coll...