The Money Club是一家网络金融平台,通过移动应用程序为用户提供储蓄、投资和借钱等服务,解决用户金融问题。近日,The Money Club获得250万美元A轮融资,Venture Catalysts、Prudent Investment Managers、LetsVenture、Supermorpheus、Z21 Ventures投资。(IT桔子)
近日,印度网络金融平台The Money Club(简称MoneyClub)宣布完成A轮融资,投资方包括LetsVenture、Prudent Investment Managers、Supermorpheus、Venture Catalysts和Z21 Ventures等。此次融资将用于扩大公司业务范围,提升用户体验和加强风险管理。MoneyClub成立于2016年,是一家提供储蓄、投资和借钱等金融服务的网络平台,旨在...
1.The Money Club完成250万美元A轮融资,投资方为Venture Catalysts、LetsVenture、Supermorpheus、Z21 Ventures、Prudent Investment Managers,该公司总部位于印度,是一家印度网络金融平台。 注:1.金融领域指的是亿欧数据行业分类中的金融这1个行业。2.上述融资金额统计,模糊金融及未披露金额已根据一定规则转化成估算...
近日,印度网络金融平台The Money Club(简称MoneyClub)宣布完成A轮融资,投资方包括LetsVenture、Prudent Investment Managers、Supermorpheus、Venture Catalysts和Z21 Ventures等。此次融资将用于扩大公司业务范围,提升用户体验和加强风险管理。 MoneyClub成立于2016年,是一家提供储蓄、投资和借钱等金融服务的网络平台,旨在解决...
俱乐部酒店 (The Club) 7th Mile Nayandahalli, Mysore Road, 班加罗尔市中心, 班加罗尔, 印度, 560098-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于班加罗尔班加罗尔市中心的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的拉尔巴格花园。 这家高品质住宿...
Single Room Compact and equipped with the essentials; our Single Room offers excellent value for money for solo travellers on short stays. Available to Members of The Lansdowne Club only. BOOK NOW Additional InformationAmenities Services Concierge Check-in & Checkout Rates & Additional Charges...
根据历史数据,入住树林俱乐部度假酒店的客人给出了8.033的评分,他们最满意的地方是其出色的value for money。 入住过的客人对于树林俱乐部度假酒店的床品评价如何? 根据历史数据,100.0% 的真实客人对此住宿的床品给出了很好的点评。您可以在点评部分查看树林俱乐部度假酒店获得的详细住客点评和评论。
From proper nightclub events to outdoor beach or pool clubs and even boat private parties you can pick what suits your party tastes best. There are some tickets left at Compound in Atlanta, buy them here. Check the availability of Dubai or Miami, pick the club you've got your eye on ...
When Jake, Sophia, and Brody slide down the tube slide at their local park, they are shocked to find themselves in an underground headquarters and transformed into Secret Slide Money Club agents. Soon the friends learn that they’re in an ongoing battle against Albatross, a selfish villa...
Marc H.Private Investor “A very good event, worth the special trip from London. The event was delivered in a very professional atmosphere and was very good value for the money.” John B. “Single Family Office Club is very thoughtful and Organized. Richard C Wilson is an excellent communic...