The Prisoner Wine Company created rule bending blends from a diverse variety of grapes from premier vineyards throughout California.
93 Points, Wine Enthusiast Add to Cart 2022 THE PRISONER RED BLEND 1.5L $100 Sold Out New Release Exclusive 2022 WINEMAKER SERIES SPARKLING RED $50 Available in Select States Sold Out 2019 THE PRISONER CABERNET SAUVIGNON 375ML HALF BOTTLE $33 Add to Cart Exclusive 2019 THE PRISO...
The Prisoner Wine Company created rule bending blends from a diverse variety of grapes from premier vineyards throughout California.
本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 囚徒酒庄(The Prisoner Wine Company) 【详情】本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 纳帕谷(Napa Valley) 提到美国葡萄酒,我们首先想到加利福尼亚州(California),而提到加利福尼亚州葡萄酒,我们则首先会想到纳帕谷(Napa Valley)。毫无疑问,它是全美最著名的葡萄酒产区。纳帕谷有迷人的阳光,...
The Prisoner Red Blend 度数:14-16%vol / 容量:750ml 品酒笔记 色泽 呈深石榴石紫色 香气 成熟覆盆子、香草和椰子的明亮香气被新鲜和干黑莓、石榴和香草的味道所取代,和谐地萦绕在您的脑海中,带来顺滑甘美的余味。 口感 酒体厚重,带有成熟樱桃、李子和无花果的香气,带有持久的成熟覆盆子、草莓、番石榴和香草的风...
ABOUT THE WINE关于葡萄酒: The Prisoner was inspired by the “mixed blacks” first made by the Italian immigrants who originally settled in Napa Valley. The Prisoner is now the most recognized red blend, leading the resurgence of interesting blends by incorporating Zinfandel with the unlikely mix ...
后来,位在纳帕谷 29 号公路上的星座集團 (Constellation Brands)旗下的 The Prisoner Wine Company酒庄,便率先打造出提倡轻松品饮又兼具风味复杂度的混酿葡萄酒,走红于市场,更是重新定义了加州纳帕葡萄酒的格局,也影响了美国的葡萄酒酿造史,证明混酿葡萄酒也可以拥有风味的精致度,更能拥有「膜拜」级的高品质。
Napa Valley. The Prisoner is generally a blend of Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Petite Sirah and Charbono. Wine Advocate notes that Prisoner wines “are distinctive, creative blends of exceptionally high quality…. that deliver lots of hedonistic joy and satisfaction.”...
Wine Type: Red Wine Winery: The Prisoner Wine Company Agent: Rogers & CompanyNatalie's Score: 91/100 Very high alcohol on this wine, but it has the fruit heft to handle it. A robust, layered Californian red wine of solid structure and concentration. Pair with hamburgers or steak. Red fo...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on Page 3 of 20.