This guideline should be read in conjunction with other ICH guidelines relevant to the conduct of clinical trials (e.g., E2A (clinical safety data management), E3 (clinical study reporting), E7 (geriatric populations), E8 (general considerations for clinical trials), E9 (statistical principles)...
This guideline should be read in conjunction with other ICH guidelines relevant to the conduct of clinical trials (e.g., E2A (clinical safety data management), E3 (clinical study reporting), E7 (geriatric populations), E8 (general considerations for clinical trials), E9 (statistical principles)...
The Gutian Meeting of 1929 established the principles of strengthening the Party ideologically and the military politically. As progress was made in the struggle, the Party established the Central Revolutionary Base as well as...
Ethical Guidelines for the principles of conduct for anthropologistsRoss, Fiona
Thus, by applying the SDT principles to create online learning that supports students’ autonomy, competence, and relatedness, educators can improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes through the use of SM (Chiu, 2023; Al-Rahmi et al., 2022d). SDT can conduct additional studies on SM...
The same ethical principles that apply to biomedical research in general also govern research on menopause. The principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice embody ethical concerns in the selection and recruitment of subjects, the process of obtaining informed consent from potential subjec...
The study was performed in line with the principles of the ethical – legal framework for the protection of personal data (including EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Regulation (EU) 2016/679). For the protection of all the participants and data thro...
UK Governance ProjectandConstitution Unit. Andpublic opinion researchrevealed a strong appetite for reforms to enforce high ethical standards. Coming into the 2024 general election, political parties had both the impetus to take standards reform seriously, and no shortage of recommendations for how to ...
1. the branch of ethics or theology that studies the relation of general ethical principles to particular cases of conduct or conscience. 2. a dishonest or oversubtle application of such principles. deontology the branch of philosophy concerned with ethics, especially that branch dealing with duty,...
以下是这本书的基本信息和内容节选(绪论部分的中英文)。这本书属于“牛津哲学手册系列”中的一本,关于“牛津哲学手册系列”:牛津哲学手册系列OXFORD HANDBOOKS IN PHILOSOPHY总编:保罗·莫泽(Paul K. Moser)顾问编委:罗伯特·奥迪(Robert Audi)内布拉斯加大学玛莎·努斯鲍姆(Martha C. Nussbaum)芝加哥大学阿尔文·普兰...