2) entropy increase 熵增 1. Taking three production modes for example, the entropy increase quantity is calculated by using the model and the environmental effect trends can be educed. 从热力学出发,分析了工业生产活动污染环境的熵本质,提出了度量工业生产活动的环境影响非平衡态熵流模型,并分别对...
3) principle of entropy increase 熵增加原理 例句>> 4) increase of entropy 熵增值 1. It portrays graphically the blind, impatient existence and the vague, illusory pursuit of the mundane people, the fruitless or even disastrous release of human energy, which eventually results in the increase...
而传统的基于条件最大熵原理的方法并不适合这一实际情况,因为条件最大熵原理假设所有的边信息都是可以获得的。 最大因果熵(Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy) 最大熵往往描述的是使用与已知问题约束一致的最少committed的概率分布,是很多统计学领域的基础,包括马科夫随机场分布。但是当边信息(X)存在时(注意:我...
If the information is material-like, then the information contant of one information signal must be distributed on the L code signals which transmit it: (2.17) It is called the principle of conservation of entropy [2] and we shall now formulate precisely and prove it....
the ice fries the ice hotel the ice spell the ico and shadow of the idea is difficult the idea of change the idea of progress the idea stage the ideal control sys the ideas the identity of my hu the idiom principle the iet the ill-fated woman the image builds a br the imaginary inva...
2)formula for law of entropy increase熵增加定律公式 3)entropy law熵定律 1.Compared with the mechanism world outlook, the most scientific one is the entropy law s world outlo.同机械论世界观相比熵定律世界观是当今最科学的世界观,它应成为我们制定和实施可持续发展战略的基础。 2.By taking enterprise...
The principle of maximum entropy is a general method to assign values to probability distributions on the basis of partial information. This principle, introduced by Jaynes in 1957, forms an extension of the classical principle of insufficient reason. It has been further generalized, both in mathema...
Chapter5.TheSecondLawofThermodynamics (第五章热力学第二定律)5.1自发过程的方向性)TheDirectionofSpontaneousProcess 5.2热力学第二定律的表述StatementoftheSecondLawof Thermodynamics5.3卡诺循环与卡诺定律 CarnotcycleandCarnotTheorem5.4熵、熵增原理及熵方程 Entropy,TheincreaseprincipleofEntropyandEntropyEquation5...
4-1.Irreversibleprocess4-2.Theexpressionofthesecondlaw4-3.CarnotcycleandCarnotprinciples4-4.Entropy4-5.Theincreaseofentropyprinciple(isolatedsystem)4-1Irreversibleprocess 1.Thefirstlawofthermodynamics: (1)Neitherheatnorworkcanbedestroyed,theycanonlychangefromonetoanother. (2)The1stkindofthe...
The author shows that the so-called standard equation of Chemical Kinetics is compatible with the principle of maximal rate of entropy production, but incompatible with Thermodynamics. The principle, on the other hand, is free of this defect and may be used to establish an improved version of ...