The series focuses on a trio made up of the alien princess Ilana, the rebellious soldier Lance, and the robot Octus; the three are able to combine to create the titular Sym-Bionic Titan. A preview of the series was first shown at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con International, and f...
32. Pepe (Grayson Hall)inSatan in High Heels (1962). Pepe is the owner of a posh burlesque house in mod-yet-gritty 60s New York City. Pepe is an incessant smoker and savvy, domineering woman who brings the story about a new ‘singer’ Stacey Kane (Meg Myles) who joins the club, t...
the fool and the cotton; the cup lost in the sea; the fool and the thieves; the simpletons who ate the buffalo; the princess who was made to grow; the washerman’s ass transformed; the foolish herdsman–Noodle-stories moralised–The brothers and their heritage–Sowing roasted sesame 81-...
Until one of the hotel guests is found dead at the bottom of the stairs, and Darla is the one who's blamed. With the threat of guests canceling and her business on the line, Nancy turns to Charlie to help find the real culprit so Darla can rest in peace. Meet Charlie. Better known...
But one person in Xibalba had resolved to disobey the mandate. This was the virgin princess Xquiq (Blood), the daughter of Cuchumaquiq, who went unattended to the spot. Standing under the branches gazing at the fruit, the maiden stretched out her hand, and the head of Hunhun-Ahpu spat...
To update Chang Cheh's formative "One-Armed Swordsman," Tsuiworked without a scriptand covered the difference with pitch-black brutality. For the sin of attempting to avenge his father's death, blacksmith Vincent Zhao loses his right arm to the same assassins who orphaned him. Instead of vow...
(1921) had been a smash hit and had spawned many rip-offs and parodies. (kidnapping = love = box office!) In this case, a warrior princess falls for a French officer and decides the most sensible course of action is to abduct him for the purpose of marriage. Sadly, this comedy seems...
(1921) had been a smash hit and had spawned many rip-offs and parodies. (kidnapping = love = box office!) In this case, a warrior princess falls for a French officer and decides the most sensible course of action is to abduct him for the purpose of marriage. Sadly, this comedy seems...
Notes & Queries, No. 31., Saturday, June 1, 1850 by VariousA Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiqueries, Genealogists, etc. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 13 No 355 by Various Atlantic Monthly Vol. 6, No. 33, July, 1860 by Various ...
Amerigo Bonasera sat in New York Criminal Court Number and waited for justice; vengeance on the men who had so cruelly hurt his daughter, who had tried to dishonor her. The judge, a formidably heavy-featured man, rolled up the sleeves of his black r