小洋影视库 hi,我这里有一个关于《公主与青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)的资源,不知道是你想要的么? 《公主与青蛙》是由华特·迪士尼影片公司出品,由罗恩·克莱蒙兹和约翰·马斯克执导,安妮卡·诺尼·罗斯、布鲁诺·坎波斯和凯斯·大卫等联袂献声配音的动画电影。 影片讲述了在一个神奇的国度里,蒂安娜公主与...
Running time 97 minutes Language English Budget $105 million Gross revenue $267,045,765 External links IMDb page Source “Every love story begins with a kiss...” ―TaglineThe Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was...
正版·PR·L1·美·The Princess And The Frog<公主与青蛙> 【MM Publications - Primary Readers - Level 1】 A beautiful princess drops her favourite golden ball in the palace well. How will she get it back? A little frog offers to help her, but not without getting something in return... ...
正版·PR·L1·英·The Princess And The Frog <公主与青蛙> 【MM Publications - Primary Readers - Level 1】 A beautiful princess drops her favourite golden ball in the palace well. How will she get it back? A little frog offers to help her, but not without getting something in return......
《公主与青蛙》高清未完工片段剪辑ThePrincessandtheFrog-HDFeature5 是在优酷播出的电影高清视频,于2009-08-25 18:07:23上线。视频内容简介:高清Animation Feature 5-In-Progress Animation!抢先看未完工的片段剪辑! The Princess and the Frog 上映日期:2009年11月25日
bili_133389创建的收藏夹bili_133389内容:儿童英语话剧《The princess and the frog》LCG+WYZ,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
《公主与青蛙 The Princess and the Frog》剧情内容介绍 蒂亚娜(Tiana)是个从不相信童话的女孩子,具有烹饪天赋的她最大的目标便是开一家属于自己的餐厅,多年来她一直努力赚钱,希望够自己的双手去实现梦想。可是就在她即将攒够钱的那天晚上,她遇到一只自称是王子马文(Naveen)的青蛙,他说自己是被影子人施了魔法...
【题目】 MOVIES T he Princess and the Frog Director : Ron Clements Runtime : 97 mins Place : Moon T heater Storyline:Prince Naveen is turned into a frog b y a magician. With the help of a trumpet-playi ng alligator(短吻鳄) , an old blind lady wh o lives in a boat in a tree ...