Related TV series:The Prince of Tennis(2019) Season 1 Episodes:22 Broadcast period:2008-Jul-25 start Opening theme song:Mei You Cai Hong De Yang Guang (没有彩虹的阳光)Rainbowless SunlightbyZhong Kai,Mao Fang Yuan,Wu Di Wen,Wang Chuan Jun,Bai Xu Xu,Zhang Chao,Wei BinandXiang Ding ...
The Prince of Tennis: Match! Tennis Juniors: Créé par Takeshi Konomi. Avec Yuchang Peng, Yiren Song, Yijie Zhang, Binbin Xie. Un étudiant retourne en Chine dans le but de battre son père, un génie du tennis. En fin de compte, bien qu'il ait essayé
Seeing as it’s almost time for the world’s best tennis players to battle it out once more in the French Open later this month, it’s quite apt to be bringing your attention to a new tennis themed drama,The Prince of Tennis网球少年 / 奋斗吧少年. Starring actorPeng Yuchangas the main...
廖炎The-Prince-of-Tennis 2019-7-15 03:14 来自iPhone客户端 一场世纪大战,温网146年来首个决胜盘12:12的抢七,双方都是赢家,所有见证者也是赢家,38岁还能打到如此地步。我以为我看到了油尽灯枯,而其实是逝者如斯夫,费天王的意志精神永不停歇,输了又如何,深深为天王感动,这场经典对决赢了固然是喜悦,但...
The Prince of Tennis51 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: A Day of the Survival Mountain1 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: Another Story - Messages From Past and Future1 characters assigned Prince of Tennis: Atobe's Gift1 characters assigned ...
47切换到横屏模式继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/23:4723:47全屏倍速播放中0.5倍0.75倍1.0倍1.5倍2.0倍超清流畅您的浏览器不支持 video 标签继续观看英文版 网球王子 The Prince of Tennis 126集 23.5G观看更多转载,英文版 网球王子 The Prince...
The Prince Of Tennis 作者:Y.L.T.Rian [收藏此章节] [免费得晋江币] [投诉] 番外《越前龙马》小猫转蜷缩在黑暗的窗室中,一只猫,虽然寂寞孤独,但他在学着面对,他还在等待。等待着属于 他的晨曦能将自己带出黑暗。 一束阳光照进来,两个天使温柔的伸出手抱起他,抚摸着他不信任而竖起的毛发,温柔的吟 ...
The Prince of Tennis/ Viz / 2007-2出版 想读 在读 读过 简介 With only one victory away from advancing to the city tournament, Seishun Academy fields the Prince of Tennis, Ryoma Echizen, to compete against the mysterious and mumbling Shinji of the Fudomine Team. As the punishing battle of...
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Prince of Tennis Gets 20th Anniversary Event on October 10 (May 11, 2021) Prince of Tennis' Atobe Is Here to Serve You Milk (Aug 4, 2020) Shueisha Will Not Count Valentine's Day Chocolates from Prince of Tennis Fans in 2019 (Dec 8, 2018) Prince of Tennis Summer Valentine Event ...