A land full of magic, named Xadia, fascinates with stunning magical creatures, magic spells, and mighty dragons. The elven civilizations of Xadia, along with all other creatures, unite under the future ruler, the Dragon Prince Azymondias, son of the former Dragon King Avizandum. However, a...
Sky Dragons are one of the six classes of dragons found in Xadia. They possess a connection to the magical energy of the Sky. They make use of various elements of the Sky, including movements of the wind, storms, and clouds. They are said to have an overall free-spirited and playful ...
The Dragon Prince: Created by Aaron Ehasz, Justin Richmond. With Jack De Sena, Paula Burrows, Sasha Rojen, Jesse Inocalla. Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to th
Choose your adventure—Begin your adventure where you like: emerge from Coldharbour in the Base Game, battle Dragons in the Elsweyr Chapter, or get ready to face the Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, in Blackwood. All content is accessible for new players, and you can switch adventures ...
夫人怀上了孩子 按照坦格利安家族的传统 Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragons egg placed in the babes cradle 必须在孩子的摇篮中放置一枚龙蛋" in the custom of House Targaryen. 王子邀请您参加他的大婚 陛下 The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. -就在两天后 -开...
Prince Aenys was three when his mother, Queen Rhaenys, and her dragon Meraxes were slain in Dorne. Her death left the boy prince inconsolable. He stopped eating, and even began to crawl as he had when he was one, as if he had forgotten how to walk. His father despaired of him, ...
Dragons on the Hill: Directed by Zach Hamer. With Nathan Hamer, Kent Loomer, Jon Meggison, Melody Mitchell. Set in 1349, during the devastation of the plague; two long lost brothers seek out a forgotten doctrine that declares the last surviving member of
Dragon Prince Novels Dragons of the Cuyahoga Dragonflight Dragonsong The Eyes of the Dragon Guards! Guards! The Hero and the Crown The Hobbit Roverandom Age Rating System Movies often have an associated rating system that identifies its appropriate age groups; however, books don't usually have the...
08 The Prince of Winterfell 临冬城王子 2012年05月20日 19 09 Blackwater 黑水之战 2012年05月27日 20 10 Valar Morghulis 凡人皆有一死 2012年06月03日 第三季 总集数 集数 英文标题 中文标题 播放日期 21 01 Valar Dohaeris 凡人皆需侍奉 2013年04月01日 22 02 Dark Wings, Dark Words 黑色翅膀,...