Unit 5The UK Economy (英国的经济) 一、本单元重点内容 1. Absolute decline and relative decline of British economy (英国经济的绝对衰败和相对衰败) 2. The privatization in the 1980s (20世纪80年代的私有化) 3. The main sectors of the UK economy (英国经济的主要部门): Primary industries (第一...
1.AbsolutedeclineandrelativedeclineofBritisheconomy(英国经济的绝对衰败和相对衰败) 2.Theprivatizationinthe1980s(20世纪80年代的私有化) 3.ThemainsectorsoftheUKeconomy(英国经济的主要部门): Primaryindustries(第一产业):Agriculture(农业)&Energyproduction(能源生产) Secondaryindustries(第二产业):The...
The main sectors of the UK economy?? (英国经济的主要部门): Primary industries? (第一产业):? Agriculture (农业) Energy production (能源生产) Secondary industries? (第二产业) : The manufacturing industry (制造业) ? eg. The aerospace industry? (航空和航天工业) ??? Tertiary industries / ...
1、ThemainsectorsoftheUKeconomy TheUKnationaleconomycanbedividedinto3mainareas: a.primaryindustries,suchasagriculture,fishingandmining,producing13%ofthenationalwealth; b.secondaryindustrieswhichmanufacturecomplexgoodsfromthoseprimaryproducts,producing22%ofthenationalwealth; ...
ThemainsectorsoftheUKeconomy The3mainsectorsoftheUK I.Primaryindustry II.Secondaryindustry III.Tertiaryindustries/serviceindustry Primaryindustry Divideintothreeparts: I.Agriculture II.Fishing III.Mining(Energyproduction) Agriculture(cropandgrazing):
Chapter 5 The UK Economy批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 Chapter 5 TheUKEconomy Focal Points absolute decline and relative decline of British economy the privatization in the 1980s the main sectors of theUKeconomy primary industries secondary industries tertiary industries / service industries...
1.The Anglo-Saxons:They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down inEnglandfrom the 5th century. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders ofEngland. 2.Main sectors of theUKeconomy:The UK national economy can be divided into three main areas: primary in...
aI'm sorry I don't the courage 我抱歉我不勇气 [translate] a大桥街是一个好 [translate] a大桥街是一个好玩的地方 [translate] aFocal Points: [translate] a--the current UK economy: three main sectors-“primary” industries, “secondary” industries and tertiary industries [translate] ...
3. Main sectors of the UK economy Key: The UK national economy can be divided into three main areas: primary industries, such as agriculture, fishing and mining; secondary industries which manufacture complex goods from those primary products; and tertiary (or service) industries such as banking...