The primary auditory cortex is one of three parts that make up the auditory cortex. It is located between the secondary and tertiary auditory cortexes, in the temporal lobe of the brain. This part of the cortex has the responsibility of processing sound information for the brain. All ...
A characteristic pattern of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity is expressed transiently in primary auditory cortex (cortical area 41) of developing laboratory rats during early postnatal life. This AChE activity occurs as a dense plexus in cortical layer IV and the deep part of layer III. This tr...
The projections of the superior temporal gyrus to the caudate nucleus were studied in 10 squirrel monkeys ( Saimiri sciureus ). It was found that the primary auditory cortex lacks direct connections with the caudate nucleus as well as the putamen. Areas RL and T1 of Burton and Jones, borderin...
Define Primary auditory cortex. Primary auditory cortex synonyms, Primary auditory cortex pronunciation, Primary auditory cortex translation, English dictionary definition of Primary auditory cortex. Noun 1. auditory cortex - the cortical area that recei
There are several noise health effects that can result in damage to the primary auditory cortex. Birth defects cause damage found in newborn babies. Some diseases, such as meningitis and chickenpox, can lead to auditory cortex damage and hearing loss. Most commonly, however, consistent exposure ...
The division of the auditory cortex into various fields, functional aspects of these fields, and neuronal coding in the primaryauditory cortical field (AI) are reviewed with stress on features that may be common to mammals. On the basis of 14 topographiesand clustered distributions of neuronal ...
While the medial prefrontal cortex has recently captured attention as the locus of plasticity essential for extinction of conditioned fear, the auditory cortex is another plausible cortical area involved in extinction learning since it is considered a sufficient conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway in tone...
Cerebellum and auditory function: An ALE meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies 2005, Human Brain Mapping Auditory Pontine Grey: Connections and Response Properties in the Horseshoe Bat 1991, European Journal of Neuroscience Frequency and space representation in the primary auditory cortex of the...
2. The different interneuron populations of the auditory cortex 3. The involvement of interneurons in sound processing 4. Developmental plasticity of sound representation 5. The role of inhibition in contextual sound processing 6. Perspectives Funding Acknowledgements ReferencesShow full outline Cited by ...
The finding that neuronal responses were strongly affected by manipulation in the time domain of the natural composite structure lends support to the hypothesis that syntax processing in mammals occurs at least at the level of the nonprimary auditory cortex. 展开 ...