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they will either (1.) not have any idea what that means, or (2.) think that the track is about the medical condition known as “dementia”. I feel I owe it to all of the acts that I persuade to come out and perform
Put it like this—if you like sentiment, if you like to feel more than think (which is not a bad thing), and if you don't really analyze movies but prefer to just experience them uncritically, this might really be a moving and terrific experience. And Brad Pitt is terrific. Final ...
and just a full and complete package of a movie experience. I really think this movie is peak Scorsese and everyone else involved but if anyone disagrees and says other Scorsese movies are better, it's hard to disagree since the man turns out masterpiece after masterpiece. This one just hi...
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, located in northwest China, is one of the smallest provinces in the country. Nevertheless, it has plenty of travel resources. Ethiopia, China's "robust partner" in Africa The contacts between China and Ethiopia did not start today, but have been ongoing for the...
5KPlayeris another application that allows you to play videos from 123movies.com on your Mac. However, its user interface isn’t nearly as straightforward or easy to use as VideoDuke. When you first launch 5KPlayer, you may be confused to find the right search line for the videos or the ...
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by Bill Mesce SoundOnSight Star Trek Script Supervisor Robert Gary is Dead Robert Garyworked in films and television as a script supervisor from the 1950s onward. He worked on most of theStar Trektelevision series during his career, including the original series,Star Trek: The Next Generation,St...
This is clearly an indie film right off the bat with heart, and it doesn't disguise nor apologize for that fact. The real victory here, though, is the writing. It's often clever and witty with banter from characters you like to invest in, and often feels reminiscent of early Kevin Smi...