Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, The Prestige follows the lives of two stage magicians in Victorian London. Once colleagues, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden become hated rivals after a tragedy involving Angier's wife tears them apart. The two magicians each go on to have their own liv...
The Prestige: Directed by Christopher Nolan. With Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Piper Perabo. Rival 19th-century magicians engage in a bitter battle for trade secrets.
The Prestige - Trailer 3:41 Unscripted-Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale (The Prestige) Movie Details Theatrical Release:October 20th, 2006 - Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:February 20th, 2007 - Buy DVD Movie Budget:$40,000,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$109,676,311 (Worldwide) Original Languag...
Special features are minimal, with the documentary Director's Notebook: The Prestige – Five Making-of Featurettes, running roughly twenty minutes combined, an art gallery and the trailer. Nolan did not contribute to a commentary as he felt the film primarily relied on an audience's reaction ...
During any discussion ofThe Prestige, it becomes difficult to avoid spoilers. Indeed, the movie throws quite a few twists at us, so many that I find it tough to chat about the flick and not refer to any of these. Suffice it to say that the film attempts to catch us off-guard many ...
The Prestige The Prestige 69 1:23 The Prestige The Prestige 611 3:03 Water (1985) Water 21 1:47 Harry Brown -- International Trailer Harry Brown 35 1:06 Official Trailer The Man Who Would Be King 15 1:55 On Deadly Ground On Deadly Ground 62 0:29 The Dark Knight The Dark Knight 39...
As the protagonist, a charming and ambitious soldier, battles for power and prestige, audiences are immersed in the beauty and treachery of the era. Rich in historical detail and marked by strong performances, it's a must-see for fans of period films. Released: 1949 Directed by: Henry King...
Far more than the “gay cowboy movie” that it was dismissed as by some at the time, Brokeback Mountain is a universal story of loss and longing, and of the forces in the world that keep people apart. 2006: The Prestige Warner Bros. 2006: The Prestige “Are you watching closely?” ...
‘Landscapers’ First Trailer: Olivia Colman Leads Darkly Comic Limited Series for HBO HBO has released the first teaser for yet another prestige limited series, which are quickly becoming the network’s bread and butter since the hits of “Big Little Lies” and “The White Lotus.” Starring ...
The Prestige The Prestige 611 1:33 Behind the Scenes: Please Give Please Give 1 1:46 Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer 1 1:51 Teaser Trailer The BFG 2 0:58 Beauty and the Beast Beauty and ...