内容提示: The Predictive Index :PI 行为评估 1、 、 背景 (1)PI 行为评估是什么? PI 行为评估是一种不定时、自由选择、刺激反应的工具,它不止是性格测试。PI 行为评估已被使用 60 多年。 使用 PI 行为评估可以帮助企业聘用天生适合的应聘者,设计表现出色的团队,并以促使他们在竞争中表现出色的方式管理员工...
服务隐私政策-ThePredictiveIndex.PDF,服务隐私政策 生效日期2018 年5 月24 日 之前的政策 The Predictive Index, LLC (以下简称“Predictive Index”、“PI®”或“本公司”)致力于保护 您的个人信息。 本政策(以下简称“服务隐私政策”或“本政策”)概述了有关您在
THE PREDICTIVE INDEXreg;.doc 4页内容提供方:gsgtshb 大小:509.5 KB 字数:约4.92千字 发布时间:2017-08-08发布于甘肃 浏览人气:542 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)THE PREDICTIVE INDEXreg;.doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费...
The Predictive Index is a suite of behavioral and cognitive assessment tools that helps organizations attract, hire, and retain the right people, build teams and develop leaders, build trust and manage transitions, and improve productivity and drive reve
THE PREDICTIVE INDEX® 预示指数 机构组织调查 人事估计 姓名性别日期 说明:阅读下表所列的词语,你认为哪些词组描述了别人对你的行为表现的期望,请在这些词语后面打个√号。 乐于助人··· 受人尊重··· 镇静··· 轻松自在··· 担忧··· 受欢迎··· 兴奋··· 重感情··· 有礼貌··· 独...
How does The Predictive Index test work? Webinars Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading Talent Optimization Platform Validated Hiring Avoid mishires, identify the best candidates, and stop turnover with validated hiring assessments. Leadership Development ...
How does The Predictive Index test work? Webinars Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading Talent Optimization Platform Validated Hiring Avoid mishires, identify the best candidates, and stop turnover with validated hiring assessments. Leadership Development ...
How does The Predictive Index test work? Webinars Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading Talent Optimization Platform Validated Hiring Avoid mishires, identify the best candidates, and stop turnover with validated hiring assessments. Leadership Development ...
What is the Predictive Index test? The Predictive Index measures an individual's personality characteristics. Specifically, it measures their behavioral drives on the basis of four parameters -- dominance, extroversion, patience and formality -- and their cognitive ability. Mainly used by hiring manage...
The Predictive Index®(PI)作为测评工具界的老前辈已经有60多年的发展历史,40%的世界五百强企业都在用PI辅助企业进行人才管理。PI以其准确度高、应用范围广、测验时间短、使用便捷、跨文化运用而被企业广泛使用。PI作为人才优化的工具,帮助企业将人才战略与商业战略连在一起,以最终实现企业战略目标。 1. 为什么PI...