orison,petition,prayer- reverent petition to a deity 2.intercession- the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.); "it occurs without human intervention" intervention involvement,participation,involution,engagement- the act of sharing in the activities of a group; "the teacher tried to...
John 20:31 These are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name. 6. Conclude with the Prayer of Intercession and your petitions. O Scriptures of the Chaplet O Introductory Triad Isaiah 49:...
The prayer is full of intercession (he is praying for us), faith (he clearly believes what he’s praying), and love (his love overflows into the goal that we as readers experience the love God has for us). The prayer is directed to God the Father and is one of the most beautiful...
prayer noun 1. supplication, devotion, communion The night was spent in prayer and meditation. 2. orison, litany, invocation, intercession prayers of thanksgiving 3. plea, appeal, suit, request, petition, entreaty, supplication Say a quick prayer I don't get stopped for speeding. Quotations"...
Intercession, within the biblical context, refers to the act of intervening or mediating on behalf of another, particularly through prayer. This practice is deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition and is seen as a vital aspect of the believer's spiritual life. The role of intercession is...
The 24 hour International Prayer Network is one of the world's largest Christian prayer fellowships, with world-wide volunteers interceding for prayer requests from all over the globe.
I pray for the leaders of my nation to come to the light (Isa. 60:3). I make supplication, prayer, intercession, and give thanks for all the people of my nation and for the leaders of Read More 0 PRAYERS FOR BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH ...
The prayer of the faithful, also known as the general intercessions or the Universal Prayer, follow immediately after the blessing and exchange of rings. The presider or a lector reads each prayer ("For...; we pray to the Lord...") and the assembly responds ("Lord, hear our prayer."...
One of the most distinctive narrative features of the Old English Martyrology is its frequent use of direct speech, which has never been analysed in context. This article aims to chart the extent of this usage, potential reasons for its presence, and its aesthetic effect on the reader. Many ...
St. John Vianney, patron saint of priests, pray for us. A Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes O Holy Mary, Mother of God, / who deigned to appear at Lourdes to reanimate the faith of the world / and draw it to your divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; / you who have chosen a humble ...