这本书名为《The Pragmatic Programmer for Machine Learning: Engineering Analytics and Data Science Solutions》,由Marco Scutari和Mauro Malvestio撰写。它主要探讨了机器学习如何重新定义我们处理数据的方式,并成为日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。书中讨论了现代软件工程实践如何成为这场革命的一部分,无论是从概念上还...
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 The Pragmatic Programmer 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 其实两年之前(那是我还在上大三)就曾在书店里看到这本书,当时可能是被书名所蛊惑吧,看到"修炼之道"这四个字就感觉这本书书名太唬,拿起来翻了翻也没看到...
Practical Vim The Pragmatic Programmer(实际Vim 务实程序员).pdf,Extracted from: Practical Vim Edit Text at the Speed of Thought This PDF file contains pages extracted from Practical Vim, published by the Prag- matic Bookshelf. For more information or t
History47 Commits The Pragmatic Programmer - Summary.pdf readme.md Repository files navigation README This is my summary of the The Pragmatic Programmer, by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. I use it while learning and as quick reference. It is not intended to be an standalone substitution of...
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内心**深处上传1.85MB文件格式pdf The Pickaxe book, named for the tool on the cover, is the definitive reference to Ruby, a highly-regarded, fully object-oriented programming language. This Second Edition has more than 200 pages of new content, and substantial enhancements to the original, coveri...
Hunt A, Thomas D (2000) The Pragmatic programmer : from journeyman to master. Addison-Wesley, Boston [etc.] Juergens E, Deissenboeck F, Hummel B et al (2009) Do code clones matter? In: 2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE, pp 485–495 Kapser CJ, Godfre...
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master 程序员的修炼:从中级到大师 程序员的修炼2016-01-26 上传大小:2.00MB 所需:10积分/C币 C++并发编程实战 介绍 C++并发编程实战 介绍 上传者:m0_61135524时间:2025-02-25 微电网智能分层控制架构下的二次控制、集中式与分布式协调控制策略,结合事件触发机制,运...
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