Sara Pezzini, also known as Witchblade, is a tough and tenacious NYPD detective who wields the mystical Witchblade artifact, granting her incredible powers and abilities. With a mix of supernatural strength, regenerative healing, and weapon creation, she fights crime and supernatural threats...
Introduced in the 2018 animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, this Afro-Latino teenager takes up the mantle of Spider-Man after the original superhero's death. Faced with powerful adversaries and newfound abilities, he navigates family, friendship, and his own sense ...
Superheroes are often admired for their unparalleled courage, integrity, and sometimes even their superhuman abilities. They're not just figures on a page but symbols of what we aspire to be.
In this explosive final chapter of the Matrix trilogy, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity battle to defend Zion, the last real-world city, against the onslaught of the machines that have enslaved the human race. And now, as Neo learns more about his heroic powers--including the ability to see the ...
Powers/Abilities: The Norns possess the conventional powers of the Olympian Gods in addition to any powers they might have developed through the practice of Asgardian magics. They possess superhuman strength (Class 25 at least), resistance to injury, and a long life enchantment. They also have ...
He tells Tereen the designate, hey, you have to use your healing powers to save Odin, which she tries to do and then immediately passes out so hard that Baldur thinks she is also dead. yeah it's ah It's a rough day at the office for ah for the the good people of Asgard. She ...
Powers/Abilities: Uatu possessed all the conventional powers of a member of the Watcher race, which were considered well beyond human comprehension. Among his recorded abilities were telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, astral projection and clairvoyance. Uatu could generate powerful energy blasts of ...
Neo, using the powers of The One, stops the Agents' bullets.Morpheus and Trinity exit the Matrix, but Neo is ambushed by Agent Smith before he can leave. In the real world, "Sentinel" Machines converge on the Nebuchadnezzar. In the Matrix, Agent Smith kills Neo. Trinity, standing over ...
with David Wohl, Brian Haberlin, and Michael Turner and debuting in 1995's Cyblade/Shi: The Battle for Independents, the original Witchblade was Sara Pezzini, a cop who discovered a powerful artifact (the titular Witchblade) that bonded with her body and gave her potent mystical abilities....
Raised amidst the lush landscapes of the Mushroom Kingdom and the imposing architecture of Bowser's castle, Mario-Thor MacBowser's childhood was a tapestry woven with elements of both worlds. His enchanted upbringing revealed the extent of his powers, as he learned to wield Mjolnir-inspired hamm...