The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television program created by Craig McCracken. The original series was running from November 18, 1998 to March 25, 2005 on Cartoon Network, while the 2016 reboot was running from April 4, 2016 to June 16, 2019
PowerPuffGirls Z is the official collaborative encyclopedia database about The Powerpuffgirls z. The Wiki format allows anyone to create or edit most articles!. We are currently editing over 245 articles and 2,176 images since May 2013. If something trou
Welcome to the Powerpuff Girls Z Wiki!Many fans believed that there is going to be an episode special about Ken Kitazawa and the Powerpuff Girls going through a portal to their original series form, although it never credited which many of the makers of the series never made the connected ...
, one of the scenes contain the girls and a professor in a kart-like buggy, and they then fire a Green Shell at the villains up front in a parody of Mario Kart. The Powerpuff Girls (2016)[edit] In the episode "Bye Bye, Bellum", there is a scene where the Mayor jumps the ...
Luckily, the Powerpuff Girls managed to go back in time to avoid this from ever happening, though if HIM manages to outlive them, the world will end the same way. In "Moral Decay", HIM lost many of his teeth when he was beaten up by Buttercup (due to her greedy obsession for ...
Agent Six (Ben 10 2016 Reboot) Adorabat Steven Universe Powerpuff Girls (2016 REBOOT) Blossom Bubbles Buttercup Blisstina Teen Titans (2003 TV Series) Robin Cyborg Raven Starfire Beast Boy Crystal Gems Pearl Amethyst Peridot Connie Maheswaran Bismuth Lion Lapis Lazuli Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz Sp...
Cartoon Network started 2009 with a Looney Tunes marathon. The Powerpuff Girls had a marathon to honor its tenth birthday which also premiered The Powerpuff Girls Rule! special. [20] The third Cartoon Network logo, used since May 29, 2010....
Bellum, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, HIM, The Amoeba Boys, The Gangrene Gang, Robin, The Rowdyruff Boys (Brick, Boomer and Butch), Princess Morbucks, Talking Dog, Lou Gubrious, Sedusa, K.A.R.R., Roach Coach, and others - The Powerpuff Girls (1998/2016) Chowder, Mung Daal, Truffles,...
Powerpuff Girls Zis a Japanese adaptation of the original 1998 Television showThe Powerpuff Girls. While the show did have an English dub produced by Ocean Productions, Inc., it was never officially broadcast in North America, and only aired in Australia, Latin America, and the Philippines...
Teen Titans Go· Freddy Got Fingered· Big Fat Liar· Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer· Grading Cartoon Show Intros· Sleepwalkers· Top 11 Stephen King Movies· Van Helsing· Rubber· The Powerpuff Girls Movie· Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom· A Wrinkle in Time· Escape from the ...