The two cities had proved too costly in time and manpower to take properly, but Doomhammer already had what he needed in the form of Khaz Modan's rich resources. The warchief stationed the Bleeding Hollow clan outside each city, ordering them to keep the dwarves and gnomes contained for th...
After theDesert of Flamesexpansion we entered what I think of as the “Qeynos harbor lag era” where going to the dock in Qeynos harbor would get you down to 2 FPS, and the members of our guild fromTorilMUD, those that remained, decided to jump to WoW to give it a shot. There, in...
taste in my heart taste joys taste more delicious taste particularly go taste-blends tasteless allium soft tastelessgross tastes and opinions tastrueairspeed tat trip air time tat true air temperat tat-ming cheung won-h tata motor tata power tata tatabu supupira tataja fibre tatar cyrillic tat...
Then the normally peaceful draenei lash out in a fury, doing everything in their power to destroy their hated enemy.[129] They established a colony in the Swamp of Sorrows called the Fallow Sanctuary. They became vicious draenei and sequester themselves from outsiders, called themselves "lost ...
These men and women become some of the most violent in the Empire, and have spread into nearly all of the Imperial military societies. Ruthless, and dedicated to toppling the power structures to make the way for a new and bloody kingdom that will rest on a mountain of skulls, they ...
They conspire, but never with the full story that only wisdom, power and love can bring. Now listen, because this is your doorway out of this mess. A Christed person… that is, a person, who has wisdom, power and love emanating from their heart, echoing through their body, thoughts an...
InWoW Classicwe were still playingWrath of the Lich Kingand I had my rogue, my sixth character into the expansion, figuring outhow to get his lock picking up to snuff. I also did aFriday bullet points postabout a new president at Blizzard, a pet from Prime Games,Season of Discoveryupdat...
Humans can’t always be trusted. You’ll find some friendly people to trade with, but others will try to take your gear, and your life, so be prepared for things to turn violent at any time. Story trailer The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series ...
My worst fears were realized when we found that she had been abused by a man who used his free will to try and destroy her. Her desire to join the Dread Army was simply the result of her having been hurt in the most unjust way possible. So my prayer for her as a baby was the ...
1)One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkeness bind them In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, The Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could ru...