天父的爱何等深厚(繁体) 词/曲:Stuart Townend 中文词:Chan Family 天父的爱何等深厚,何广大难以测透, 祂赐下独生的爱子,使我这罪人得救, 父神向他掩面时候,彻骨痛楚怎忍受? 伤痕烙印爱子身上,带众子进荣耀中。 看哪耶稣在十架上,担我罪在他面前, 我随众人嘲笑毁谤,他却是为我受伤。 罪的...
耶稣基督配得一切|||It Came Upon The Midnight 夜半歌声|||It Is Well with My Soul 我心灵得平安|||It Was Finished Upon That Cross 在十字架上完成了救恩|||It Was Finished Upon That Cross 在十架上成就|||I’ll Go In The Strength Of The Lord 我会带着主的力量去||| J |||Jerusalem 耶...
One of the numbers theDaling Family Triosang was a song written by Stuart Townend and composed by the Gettys (Keith and Kristyn). The title is“The Perfect Wisdom of Our God,”(from their album “Hymns for the Christian Life”) and is based on a variety of Bible passages that speak o...
through the power of his Holy Spirit, brings about change, often radical change, as what it means to be people of God is inspired in us and justice and freedom for all is brought about. Our world is very different today from the one lived through in Roman occupation and oppression ...
neither does he lose his power to dispose of them: they are still in his hands. Neither does he lose his end in creating them. God has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of evil. It possibly was Satan’s design, in endeavoring the fall of man, to cause that...
Building on the idea of the power of Jesus’ blood, “There Is a Fountain” is another one of the great Easter hymns that touches on the subject. We have only but one source for forgiveness and grace and that is found in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. As the song states, the founta...
Valley of Vision Songs for the Cross-Centered Life Upward: The Bob Kauflin Hymns Project Worship God Live Keith & Kristyn Getty In Christ Alone Indelible Grace Music Beams of Heaven Wake Thy Slumbering Children 3. Engage in your local church.If you don’t play an instrument, learn to play...
Assertive relationships have the power to transform people, and to create organizations that are truly inclusive and respecting of difference. They are relationships that are based on a high degree of self-respect, mutual respect, and regard for each other. Integrity, openness, and honesty are ...
Lyrics: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us 天父的爱何其深长 Words and Music: Stuart Townend Chinese Translation: By a number of brethren Choral setting: Larry Shackley How deep the Father’s love for us, 天父的爱何其深长, How vast beyond all measure ...
As plenty of mainline railway franchisees have discovered, changing the relative responsibility of the roles doesn’t shift the balance of power between employer and employee. It simply alters which Union you need to negotiate with most. Politicians who daydream about ‘busting’ the RMT seem to...