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“Well, to be honest, everything you’re saying is pretty pretentious. It sounds like you took that right from Sparknotes.” Nobody spoke. I looked to him for some sort of retort, an argument, anything at all, but he gave nothing. A vein swelled in his forehead and his cheeks ...
Developer SparkNotes™ Note This section is a work-in-progress. This extension is written in TypeScript, which is essentially JavaScript on crack, using: React for the UI frontend (e.g., Hellodex, Calcdex), Redux for global state management (e.g., Calcdex state), RTK Query for global...
It’s time to burn all your SparkNotes and cheatsheets. There’s a life beyond agonising over the “true” meaning of the text, unleashing your frustration with unreliable narrators, and ragequitting unsolved mystery cliffhangers. We’ve brought in three writers who thrive in the unknown, and...
Charlotte Cristo Chapter Summary Sparknotes Madame de Villefort is forced to commit suicide, so she kills Edouard because she does not wish to be without him. 869 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Camelot: A Narrative Fiction “It happened the year before last,” he said, staring out the...
Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard Sparknotes Billy Wilder's "Sunset Boulevard'' is a stinging critique of Hollywood's deceptive nature, exposing the numerous layers of illusion that surround the industry. Wilder creates a narrative that reveals Hollywood's evil interior through careful character portrayal...
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SparkNotes - - A very helpful Cliffnotes-esque site, but much better, in my opinion. If you happen to come in late and need to catch-up, you can get great character/chapter/plot summaries here. For recommendations on future material, suggestions on how to im...
JO:Very beginning. Okay. So let me set the stage first for just sort of a high-level SparkNotes version of… BB:Love it. JO:Where we are. If I had to define my story, I would say, I think it falls into three different pieces. The first being that I am divinely protected, and...
Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil is a 2004 book written by David Goodstein. It describes peak oil and the future of civilization. Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc.), the resources below will generally offer The End of Oil chapter summaries, quotes, ...