As in the course of my mediation work, I personally witnessed the enormous cost of conflict, the broken relationships, the broken families, the stressed out workplaces, the ruinous lawsuits, and the senseless wars.在自己的调解工作中,我个人见证了冲突带来的巨大代价,破裂的关系、家庭,弥漫着紧张氛...
I got it through the TED book club. I think it took me four years to finally read it, while on sabbatical. And I was pleased to see that he actually wrote the book while he was on sabbatical. And I'll show you a couple ...
and tonight I'll be disccussing the power of forming habits. 今晚想跟大家谈谈培养习惯的重要性 Change is something I believe anyone can accomplish 我相信任何人 if they're willing to put the work in 如果肯下苦功 and if they're willing to do what it takes in order to complete the change...
Because both Walter and Maria understand this power of helping people feel seen, especially as a leader. 因为沃尔特和玛丽亚都了解让别人被看见的力量,尤其是作为领导者。 I used that story back when I worked at General Electric. 我在通用电气公司时就用过这个故事, I was responsible for shaping cult...
《The Power of Vulnerability》脆弱的力量 ——社会研究教授布琳•布朗2010在TED的演讲稿 布琳.布朗致力于研究人与人的关系——我们感同身受的能力、获得归属感的能力、爱的能力。在TED休斯敦一次富有感染力的幽默谈话中,她跟我们分享了她的研...
Podcast: Quiet — The Power of Introverts Check out Susan Cain's podcast series on parenting and teaching introverted children. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. TED is supported by ads and partners ...
根据Susan Cain 的说法,这个世界需要内向的人,称之为是“安静的革命者”,她说比起社交,她更喜欢听谈话和阅读。在这次 TED 演讲中,她解释了为什么孤独很重要,以及内向的人如何展示他们非凡的才能和能力。 在一个无法停止说话的世界中内向者的力量,该群体最不可能想要领导力所需的社会需求。然而,她认为,我们仍然需...
the power of yet 演讲稿英文 tedHere's a speech I prepared for a TED talk. The title is "The Power of 'Yet'". (Applause) Thank you. Thank you all. It's an honor to be here today to share with you a concept that I've been thinking about for many years: the power of "yet....
The things I can tell you about it: It’s universal; we all have it. The only people who don’t experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one wants to talk about it, and the less you talk about it, the more you have it.我要告诉你们的是:这种现象很普遍...
And this turns out to have a special power all its own, because people could feel that these leaders were at the helm not because they enjoyed directing others and not out of the pleasure of being looked at; they were there because they had no choice, because they were driven to...